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2022/08/15 10:49:31

Cyberk (cybersecurity development program in Saudi Arabia)

2022: Investing in Israeli espionage tools

In early August 2022, Saudi authorities entered into contracts involving huge investments with Israeli spy companies as part of the launch of the Cyberk program to develop the cybersecurity sector in Saudi Arabia.

Informed sources told Saudi Leaks that the contracts provide for the annual spending of millions of dollars on the import of Israeli espionage and surveillance technologies into Saudi Arabia to develop its capabilities in this area. Sources confirmed that the growing secret relationship with Israeli spy companies is the basis for the launch of Cyberk's program to develop the cybersecurity sector in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia invests huge funds in Israeli espionage tools

The launch of the program was announced by the Saudi National Cybersecurity Administration, saying that it is one of the main factors contributing to the goals of the national cybersecurity strategy. The Office said in a statement that the program is aimed at developing and building national capacity specialized in cybersecurity, localizing cybersecurity methods and educational content in this area, as well as stimulating the local industrial system and cybersecurity innovations in the state. The department explained that the Cyberk program in the first stage includes some initiatives, in particular, training employees of national authorities and accelerating work on cybersecurity aimed at stimulating the local industrial system. The National Cyber ​ ​ Security Administration indicated that in the first stage, the program is aimed at increasing the number of cybersecurity startups by supporting and creating more than 60 national companies in this area.

At the end of 2021, a source in the royal court said that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman proposed to take control of the Israeli spy company NSO, which faces imminent bankruptcy. A source told Saudi Leaks that bin Salman had expressed interest in investing in Israeli company NSO and the economic income it could receive in the future if its debts were paid. However, the source clarified that the Saudi deal to acquire the Israeli company still faces obstacles, given that Israel considers the company national security for its country.[1]
