Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Rastunin Dmitry Vladimirovich
Rastunin Dmitry Vladimirovich

Was born on June 4, 1973. Graduated from the Vladimir State university majoring in of "radio technician". The labor way began in April, 1991 in pipe electric welding workshop No. 3 of JSC VSW. In the years ahead worked as the electrician on repair and service of electric equipment of kolesoprokatny production of a kolesoprokatny complex, the foreman of the shop of power supply, the chief of electric bureau and the chief power engineer of the plant, the director of power supply and repair, the CEO of affiliated enterprise VSW — Service LLC. In June, 2008 it is appointed the chief of a complex of production of pipes of small and medium diameter. Since October 4, 2008 holds a position of the chief engineer of JSC VSW.