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AxTim has switched to a project management system from Timetta

Customers: Axteam, AksTim (formerly Aksencher Russia)

Contractors: Red Lab
Product: Red Lab: Timetta Cloud Platform to Monitor Project Performance

Project date: 2022/02  - 2022/06

2022: Timetta Platform Usage

AxTim LLC (ex-Accenture) and Red Lab (Red Lab) entered into a partnership agreement. AksTim will use the Timetta digital platform to support the provision of professional services and at the same time provide it with expertise to develop the solution. This was announced on September 2, 2022 by AksTim.

After the departure of Western IT brands from Russia and the disconnection from global IT support, the AksTim team is forced to localize the IT landscape to continue its activities.

One of the key issues was the replacement of the accounting and analytical system for monitoring project indicators (previously used SAP integration in with a number of auxiliary systems).

After analyzing possible alternative solutions, including the development of its own product, AksTim made a choice in favor of the Russian cloud solution Timetta. The implementation project covered more than 2 thousand users, and was completed in just 3 weeks due to the high degree of functional readiness of Timetta and the convenience of the application.

The advantages of the system are the tools available out of the box, the presence of an open API for loading data and the flexibility of the supplier. Timetta will allow us to fully conduct project activities. Further, AksTim will enrich the product through its international experience and expertise gained during the implementation of thousands of projects in dozens of countries, - said Stanislav Nagorsky, Director of the Technology Department of AksTim.

Timetta has the necessary work functions to provide cost control, load forecasting, and project cost accounting in the consulting business. In particular, the basic Time Tracking block allows you to take into account the working hours of project teams, using the Project Performance management tool you can maintain a register of projects and customers, resource booking and hiring planning is carried out through Resource Management. In addition, the system allows you to invoice and control payment, maintain financial accounting according to US GAAP, analyze data through reports and dashboards.

Timetta is not just an IT solution, but a comprehensive management model for consulting and professional services business. During the implementation, the Timetta team has done a lot of work to migrate the technology stack to independent import solutions. We hope that cooperation with AxTim will enrich the Timetta methodology with the best IT consulting practices, "added Alexander Spiridonov, director of consulting at Timetta.

The improvement of Timetta, taking into account the experience of AxTim, involves improvements in the field of information security, the development of forecasting capabilities for financial indicators of projects, the implementation of closing periods and "unchanged" reporting, account and act management, pricing module, more complex forms of reporting and analytics. All of these new tools will be available to Timetta customers from the cloud.