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Digital Family Map

Developers: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan
Branches: Information Technology

2022: System launch in Kazakhstan

On September 1, 2022, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Kazakhstan launched the state information system "Digital Family Map," which is intended for proactive (without application) provision of services to citizens. The new project, as its creators expect, will be able to increase efficiency and improve the quality of public services, reducing corruption risks.

The Ministry of Labor explained that the "Digital Family Map" accumulates information from various state bodies. It allows you to determine the level of social well-being of citizens and provide them with guaranteed state support in a proactive format. The system by September 2022 collected data on all 19.4 million citizens, which are distributed to 6 million families.

GIS "Digital Family Map" has been launched in Kazakhstan. It determines the social well-being of citizens and provides them with state support

{{quote 'The algorithm of the Family Digital Card operation is implemented as follows: when establishing the right to receive state support measures, an SMS notification is sent to the potential recipient to obtain consent for the provision of public service. After receiving it, social benefits, payments or other type of state support are assigned, followed by crediting to the recipient's bank account, the ministry explained. }} The Digital Family Map project will be implemented in several stages:

  • September 1, 2022 provided the opportunity to receive services in a new format for 9 types of benefits and social benefits;
  • From January 1, 2023, the list will be expanded with services in the field of social protection;
  • From January 1, 2024, state guarantees in the fields of health and education will be included;
  • From 2025, all types of state guarantees will be covered.

It is noted that in preparation for the pilot launch of the system, citizens in need of public services through the Ministry of Labor were identified. From September 1, 2022, they began to send SMS notifications for proactive services. [1]]
