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The digital platform "KorKlass" will monitor the environmental situation in Karelia

Customers: Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia

Petrozavodsk; Government and social institutions

Product: Rostelecom and KorKlass: Digital eco-monitoring platform

Project date: 2022/02  - 2022/08

2022: Implementation of a digital environmental monitoring platform

KorKlass Digital Environmental Monitoring Platform became the software basis of the integrated system launched in. Karelia The company Corclass announced this on September 9, 2022. The implementation of the pilot "" project in the Rostelecom field ecology is carried out on the basis of an agreement with. Ministry of Natural Resources of Karelia, as one of the most popular tourist areas, will receive an effective tool for monitoring the environmental balance of the region. The solution can help control the potential harm from human exposure to nature.

The KorKlass solution monitors and analyzes information on the quality of air, water and soil, records deviations from the norm, simulates environmental changes and their consequences. As part of the pilot in Petrozavodsk, sensors appeared that track air quality by more than twenty parameters. The devices measure the content of pollutants typical of cities, as well as basic meteorological indicators.

The digital environmental monitoring platform can be integrated with intelligent video surveillance systems, including those using drones. With their help, she can control the occupancy of garbage containers, find unauthorized landfills, illegal felling of trees, and warn of a forest fire.

The platform provides a mechanism for dealing with incidents and violations: events that can harm the environment. For each incident, the procedure, performer or organization is determined, the deadlines for the tasks are monitored and feedback forms are created.

Environmental balance monitoring is not limited to the collection and processing of measurements. The platform will become a working environment for employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, who will be able to maintain a database of nature users, natural objects (water bodies and rivers, subsoil, forests, specially protected natural areas), use it in the provision of public services and for reporting.

The digital platform will help maintain a fragile balance between pristine nature and human impact. It is symbolic and extremely important for us that it has been introduced and will develop in Karelia - a pearl among all the natural resources and beauties of our country, - said Anton Gurenko, General Director of KorKlass.