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Project switched to China's FineBI business intelligence platform


Product: FanRuan FineBI

Project date: 2022/06  - 2022/08

2022: Transition from Tableau to FineBI

The online service switched Tableau from to the the Chinese platform. business analysts FineBI Project implemented by the company's team of specialists, GlowByte which announced this on September 12, 2022. The transition to the system took a little over a month.

After Tableau left Russia, we considered possible options for transferring reporting to various BI solutions. GlowByte presented BI systems, and we had a number of tough requirements: the solution should be well supported or have an extensive community, have great functionality, and be located on our servers (cloud solutions were not considered). As a result, the choice fell on 2 BI systems: FineBI and Apache Superset. We installed the test environments of each platform and built the reports. According to the test results: FineBI has a good boxed solution resembling a Scoreboard; SuperSet is inconvenient for both business and reporting, and it would cost us more than FineBI,
said Dmitry Zolotukhin, head of analytics

GlowByte consultants deployed the FineBI platform on Linux, conducted basic functionality training, and provided comprehensive support on system use and administration.

For the migration process, had 2 weeks and about 50 reports with 4-10 tabs each. As a result, the MVP of the transfer to deadline was performed. In addition, the boxed solution made it possible to quickly migrate reports with complex logic, for example, LTV reports with LODs and TTM reports with nested tables.

Perensos analysts on FineBI became one of the first and indicative projects with our Chinese partner. It is gratifying that FineBI is gaining momentum and licenses have started to be acquired by companies from different industries,
commented Ekaterina Panferova, Head of Business Intelligence GlowByte Practice.