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Norilsk Nickel, MMC (Norilsk Nickel) (1C-Bitrix 24)

Customers: Norilsk Nickel, MMC (Norilsk Nickel)

Norilsk; Mining

Product: 1C-Bitriks24

Project date: 2020/05  - 2020/12




In order to attract and retain specialists at enterprises located in the Far North, the company has been developing housing programs for employees since 2010. In 2019, PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel approved the corporate program "Your Home." Employees are granted the right to purchase housing with installments.

To implement the program, the company "Your House" LLC was created as part of the corporation. One of the priority tasks of the structure was the provision of a high-class client service. For the development of the software complex, the company turned to the system integrator "Philosophy.IT." "Philosophia.IT" entered into a subcontract agreement with the company "Fact" to develop for the customer.

Common solutions

  • Automation of major business processes
  • Personal Account Development and Integration
  • Tailor CRM to business needs
  • Mobile Service Optimization

Operating Company Functionality

The program operator builds the work using two main systems CRM and "BIT HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES." Basic roles and access rights are defined for the employees of the operator company. For example, a user with the role "Manager" has the right to create objects "House," "LCD" in CRM, enter data a participant, enter information information about residents and upload the necessary documents. The system has set up the function of creating templates, from which a package of documents for drafting is formed.

After the necessary information has entered the system, a transaction is created on the CRM side, which then goes through several stages. At the same time, all actions are regulated and, for example, without the necessary documents, the system will not allow the transaction to be transferred to the next stage.

At the stage of execution of the transaction, information is transmitted to BIT.LhKH, where calculations are formed, and then the system automatically uploads the necessary data to the user's personal account.

Functionality for program participants

The client enters the program, signs the necessary documents and after some time, when his personal account is formed in the system, gets access.

The following functionality is implemented in the personal account for users: checking debts, paying utility bills, transmitting readings of metering devices, unloading receipts in PDF format, working with apartment equipment.


We have modernized a unified information environment with which the program operator and participants can interact and resolve issues. Already, about 1000 participants receive the necessary information and pay bills using the service.