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Yandex Query

Developers: Yandex.Cloud
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/09/23
Technology: Big Data

The main articles are:

2022: Opening access to Yandex Query service

Cloudy the platform Yandex Cloud opened access Yandex to the Query service. The technology allows you to simultaneously process archive data and real-time data using a single request. In time Yandex Query, companies will be able to simplify and speed up the entire cycle of work c large data arrays and respond more efficiently to anomalies in datacets. This was announced by the company. YandexCloud September 23, 2022. For example, companies will be able to analyze sales or user behavior on the site faster. The service works in Public Preview mode and is available for free.

You can query databases in Yandex Query using the SQL language familiar to data engineers and analysts. In addition, the service is developed using serverless computing technology. This allows you to pay only for the computing power that the user consumes at the time the request is executed for data processing.

The reliability of Yandex Query has been tested on the scale of Yandex, where the service has been used for more than 5 years. The data in Yandex Query is processed by the teams of Maps, Search, Taxi and other services of the company. As of September 2022, the system has almost 100 large internal rialtime analytics projects that process approximately 60 GB of data per second.

On the one hand, it is always very difficult for companies to work with real-time data, they need to be processed here and now. On the other hand, it is often necessary to simultaneously analyze rialtime data along with other sources of information, for example, with historical data in an object store. Yandex Cloud has made a service that allows you to work with all the data of companies efficiently and habitually for developers and analysts,
told Alexey Bashkeev, head of the Yandex Cloud platform.

In the future, Yandex Query will have support for PostgreSQL syntax. The service will also learn to access various storage systems and combine the results of these systems in a single request.