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Roselectronics: Waveguide valve for electron accelerator

Developers: Ferrite Domain Research Institute, Laboratory of electronic accelerators of Moscow State University (LEU of Moscow State University)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/10/03
Branches: Electrical and Microelectronics

2022: Announcement of waveguide valve for electron accelerator

On October 3, 2022, Rostec announced that Roselectronics Holding had developed a high-power waveguide valve for an electron accelerator to replace the imported components used. As part of particle accelerators, it can be used in inspection and inspection complexes (IDCs), as well as for scientific and medical purposes, for example, in radiography, radiation therapy and isotope production.

Rostec imported components for electron accelerators

As reported, the particle accelerator is a device in which directed beams of electrons, protons, ions and other charged particles are formed with the help of electric and magnetic fields with energy significantly higher than the thermal one. The particle velocity during the operation of the accelerator reaches values ​ ​ close to the speed of light. The waveguide valve as part of the device is necessary to absorb reflected waves, which can cause malfunctions of the accelerator.

The waveguide was developed by the Ferrit-Domain Research Institute of the Roselectronics Holding together with the Laboratory of Electronic Accelerators of Moscow State University (LEU MSU) as part of the import substitution program for the electronic component base (ECB). The devices will be used in linear accelerators created by the LEU of Moscow State University for use as part of railway IDMs, which allow you to obtain images of the contents of cars with material recognition at a speed of 70 km/h.

The development of microwave devices is the main competence of the Ferrit-Domain Research Institute. Earlier, together with our partners, we have already supplied devices for inspection complexes of Rosgranitsa to ensure control not only of railway transport, but also of heavy vehicles, container ships, as well as containers at seaport points. The device has already been tested and is ready for serial deliveries. In particular, it is planned to be used in the construction of IDCs in the Far East.

reported by Maxim Kavaev, General Director of the Ferrit-Domain Research Institute

The pulse power of the waveguide is 20 MW, the average power is 20 kW and the central frequency is 2856 MHz. Thanks to this power of the device, the power of the electron accelerator is optimized, which, in turn, makes it possible to optimize the accuracy of cargo inspection in conditions of high-speed movement transport through the inspection and inspection complex.

LEU MSU develops electron accelerators both for inspection and inspection complexes of various types (mobile, portal, stationary road and railway), and for other applications - radiography, radiation therapy, isotope production, sterilization. An integral part of such accelerators are ferrite valves, both waveguide, designed for a high microwave power level, and coaxial, striped, operating in low-power microwave systems. In this regard, we see prospects for cooperation with the Ferrit-Domain Research Institute.

noted Vasily Shvedunov, General Director of LEU Moscow State University