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Arkhangelsk Algae Plant (AVK)




Financial results
2021 year
Revenue: 263000 Ths. rub

The Arkhangelsk Algae Plant is a Russian algae processing plant that has existed since 1918.

The company has implemented and uses a complete comprehensive processing of algae "from sea to shelf."


The Arkhangelsk Algae Plant produces pharmaceutical products - sodium alginate and mannitol, as well as dietary supplements, functional nutrition and cosmetics - under the AB1918 brand.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue - 263 million rubles

The company's revenue, according to SPARK, for 2021 is 263 million rubles, over the past two years it has grown 3 times.

The key pharmaceutical product produced by the plant is sodium alginate, with which the company occupies 99% of the market in Russia. The drug works as an enterosorbent, suppresses pathogenic microflora in the intestine.

As of November 2022, cosmetics account for half of the company's turnover, and over the past six months their sales have grown by 50-70% due to active promotion.

In general, in the portfolio of the brand - about 150 items of dietary supplements, superfoods and cosmetics, the same number are preparing for release.

The volume of the chlorophyll market in the Russian Federation is 45.8 million rubles. The Arkhangelsk Algae Plant aims to take the place of American producers, the supply of their additives is still complicated (as of November 2022).

By 2023, the plant plans to double production with the attraction of about 1.5 billion rubles of investments.


1989: Start of cosmetics production

The plant has been producing cosmetics since 1989.