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Zelenetskaya Poultry Farm (1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0)

Customers: Zelenetskaya Poultry Farm

Agriculture and fishing

Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

Project date: 2022/05  - 2022/11

2022: Implementation of Automated Enterprise Management Solutions

On November 8, 2022, First Bit announced that it had carried out a digital transformation at the Zelenetskaya poultry farm, introducing solutions for automated enterprise management, optimized management reporting by a quarter and increased the processing and issuance of enterprise orders by 10%.

According to the company, before the start of the project, the main system of operational and production accounting at the enterprise was the outdated configuration "1C: Management of an agricultural enterprise." Many processes were not automated and conducted manually, "on paper."

The Federal Accounting Standards were not available for accounting. The accounting of salaries and personnel took place in the general accounting system, so personal data were not sufficiently protected. The enterprise needed a holistic update of the IT landscape. It took the project team only 3 months.

The following functional units were automated:

  • Treasury - accounting of non-cash funds, accounting of cash, exchange with the bank, accounting of loans and loans, settlement management, accounts payable management, formation of credit limits, analysis of receivables.
  • Operational accounting of warehouse operations - registration of acceptance, shipment and repackaging, registration of overalls and inventory, re-sorting, auxiliary production: sewing workshop, construction workshop, repair and mechanical workshops, registration of return containers, operations with accountable persons, registration of discrepancies in receipt and sale, registration of goods return from consignees, warehouse reporting.
  • Production accounting - resource specifications, replacement of materials, execution of production without an order, execution of an order for production, planned calculations, control of the recipe composition, reflection of the release of auxiliary production, reflection of waste disposal and incorrigible scrap for costs, traceability of batches, formation of an order for movement and purchase, production reporting.
  • Management of poultry production - planning in poultry farming, receipt and planting of poultry, egg collection and sorting, egg incubation and shifting, young breeding, poultry cultivation, reflection in the bay (sale and slaughter of poultry), keeping records in heads and kg, keeping records on halls, industry reporting.
  • Pig management - the use of group accounting, accounting of animal movement, insemination, fertilization, weaning, weighing of animals, automatic formation of documents in reg. accounting on the basis of industry documents, reflection of production in the pig industry, movement of veterinary drugs, industry reporting.
  • Sales Management - contractual relations with the customer, customer claims, customer segments, use of the Customer Order, use of the Invoice, execution of the Customer Order, execution of the Sales of Goods and Services, execution of the Certificate of Discrepancies after Sale (TORG2), execution of the document Implementation Adjustment, execution of the document Return of goods from the customer, pricing of the Item, synchronization of data with "1C:Trading Management "using" 1C: Data Conversion, "Rev. 3.0, Retail Sales, Reconciliation of Settlements with Buyers, Sales Analysis Reports.
  • Procurement management - ordering and tracking of supplier's status, delivery of goods from the supplier, processing of imported goods, analysis of balances by expiry dates, receipt of unforeseen expenses, return of goods to the supplier, control of balances, accounting of workwear and inventory, mutual settlements with suppliers, accountable persons, return packaging, discrepancy in acceptance/shipment, accounting of costs.
  • Regulated accounting - accounting of workwear, accounting of costs, canteen costs, advance reports, VNA, reserves, chart of accounts, payroll, balance control, regulated reporting.
  • Salary and personnel management - receptions, transfers, layoffs, unpaid absences, paid absences, composition of basic accruals, composition of additional accruals, food payment (data loading, accrual, retention, checks), calculation of advance payment, loading of advance payment for trade, composition of basic deductions, material assistance, civil law agreement (GPC), payment of gifts and prizes, employee work schedules, staffing table (PR), salary payment, distribution of shopping costs. Main earnings, distribution of costs to stores. Bonuses, distribution of costs to stores. Overtime work, distribution of wages builders by objects, distribution of costs by workshops, accounting of wages, leave reserves, additional printing forms, loading of bonus amounts, electronic timesheet. Loading, entering and checking, electronic timesheet. PF, distribution of the report on non-attendance, distribution of calculation sheets, exchange with the admission pass accounting system.
  • Motor vehicle management - vehicle accounting, maintenance, coordination and control of motor vehicle applications, motor vehicle cost accounting, fuel and lubricant accounting, driver time accounting, integration with the satellite monitoring system to control the routes of movement of vehicles, their mileage and fuel consumption control, automatic loading of driver data from 1C: Salary and personnel management of the PROF, separate role Doctor.

The solution structure used 5 different software products from 1C and 12 auxiliary, narrowly focused programs. In order for all of them to work in concert, First Bit designed and implemented the integration architecture of the target IT landscape.