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"2050.Lab" created the design of a new electric train EP2DM for TMH

Customers: Transmashholding (TMH)

Moscow; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Project date: 2022/04  - 2022/10

2022: Development of electric train design EP2DM

The National Center for Industrial Design and Innovation 2050.LAB on November 11, 2022 announced the creation of the design of the EP2DM electric train, which provides for the maximum domestic component base. The project was implemented by order of TMX, the developer and manufacturer of motor-car rolling stock.

The project was developed in accordance industrial with design trends and taking into account the wishes of passengers and carrier companies.

The main changes are related to the exterior and interior of the train - that is, the part that the passenger pays attention to first of all. Thus, the main stylistic solutions were revised, including the shape of the head car mask and key interior elements, new color-acting solutions and livery graphics.

The cab of the aerodynamic driver excludes unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the frontal part and roof of the train.

In the electric trains of the latest modification, the ergonomics of passenger seats have been improved, due to which additional space is provided during the oncoming landing of travelers (about 4-6 cm). Travel for people with disabilities will be organized in the head car, as in the serial EP2D.

The EP2DM will install an intelligent video surveillance system with the function of tracking the dynamics of passenger traffic. Information about the train route, temperature conditions and other information will be broadcast to LCD monitors located in the passenger cabins of the EP2DM.

From a technical point of view, the key feature of the new rolling stock will be a set of electrical equipment of its own design TMX, designed according to the principle of modular design to ensure maximum maintainability of the unit. As of November 2022, DMZ specialists began assembling the first experimental composition of the EP2DM.