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Danone Optimized Logistics and Counterparty Verification Processes with Software Robots

Customers: Danone Group of Companies in Russia

Product: RPA (Robotic Process Automation) projects

Project date: 2022/03  - 2022/09

2022: Implementation of RPA technology in business processes

Danone, together with GlowByte, has completed a project to introduce RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology into business processes. This made it possible to optimize the operational activities of logistics, as well as verification of counterparties using software robots and artificial intelligence. This was announced on November 18, 2022 by the operating director of the RPA GlowByte practice, Alexander Trofimchuk

Before the automation project, the logistics process was not perfect, data was entered manually or combined from different systems. Somewhere, a decision by an employee was required, although the algorithm could be automated. Despite the small total labor costs, at each stage there was a "human factor": communication failures, manual input errors, incorrect decision, simple, etc. As a result, this led to an increase in the cost of the logistics process (losses, delays, often fines) and a decrease in satisfaction with the level of interaction with counterparties,
noted by Alexander Menshikov, Digital manager in Danone.

Automation by introducing software robots has affected different areas of the decision-making process, particularly with respect to Danone's counterparty list. Now, when employees of the economic security of the company's business partners check, the robot turns to the Globas portal for up-to-date indices and forms a certificate for the counterparty. This avoids the risks of shipping goods to an unreliable buyer. 

Operational tasks were also automated - processing the down payment from the customer (now it is enriched with data from the "Transportation Management System transport "), invoicing, releasing orders.  The processes of preparing data along the entire chain of logistics tasks, including for holding promotions, have undergone algorithmization. This improved the interaction between marketing (stock planning) and sales (actual promotion). 

RPA is a tool that allows you to shift routine workflows to a software robot that repeats human actions. This is an invention of our time, thanks to which business can reduce labor costs for routine and avoid manual input errors. At the same time, you need to understand the specifics of the implementation of RPA: it is not enough only to own the technology, the key is a wide and mature examination of the integration of the development process itself. The GlowByte team has the necessary expertise to implement IT projects from scratch of any complexity,