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VK chose Roseltorg site for e-procurement

Customers: VK (formerly Group)

Moscow; Internet services

Product: Roseltorg.Business

Project date: 2022/04  - 2022/10

2022: Placement of purchases on the electronic trading platform

VK and the federal electronic trading operator Roseltorg on November 21, 2022 announced cooperation in the field of electronic procurement.

Trade VK procedures will be carried out in two sections of Roseltorg. Strategic procurement will be carried out at the corporate section, and Roseltorg.Business small-scale procedures will be carried out on the private business procurement platform. VK plans to thus cover the largest pool of suppliers - both representatives of large business small and medium-sized enterprises.

We strive to make the procurement process as transparent and understandable as possible. The partnership with Roseltorg will not only help us achieve this goal, but will also help improve the effectiveness of our supplier selection procedures, "commented Ksenia Maschan, Procurement Director of VK.

Companies, like VKs that are not covered by procurement legislation, independently choose how to identify suppliers. The decision to transfer trading procedures to an electronic platform speaks of a high level of transparency and a desire to actually increase the efficiency of procurement, "commented Andrey Kashutin, General Director of Roseltorg.

Roseltorg has a large-scale supplier base - as of November 2022, more than 650 thousand entrepreneurs from all over Russia take part in procurement procedures at the site. For those suppliers who previously worked with VK, but did not take part in electronic procedures, Roseltorg will provide a full range of necessary services and services: assistance with accreditation, registration of an electronic signature, examination of the application for participation in the auction.