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Information system of the National Certification Center (IS NTC)

Developers: NTC - National Certification Center
Branches: Information Technology

2022: Creation of the IT system of the national certification center

At the end of November 2022, it became known that the information system of the National Certification Center (IS NTC) of the Ministry of Digital Science of the Russian Federation was being created in Russia. It should provide sites in the Russian segment of the Internet with special security certificates for their trusted use by users.

The main task of the NTC is to provide Russian sites with special security certificates. The NTC should provide Internet users in the Russian Federation with the possibility of obtaining TLS certificates (trust certificates) for identifying information resources belonging to them during electronic interaction, as well as ensuring the possibility of implementing electronic interaction of citizens with information resources of state authorities using secure protocols with support for Russian cryptographic algorithms.

The IT system of the national certification center is being created in Russia

The Russian National Certification Center (NTC) issues certificates for domains of only those organizations that have explicitly requested this. Yandex Browser applies national certificates not for the entire Runet, but only on those sites that are on the NTC list. Trying to apply the certificate to other domains will lead to a standard error and the site is inaccessible to the user.

National certificates use generally accepted open cryptography and operate according to standard rules (this is a regular RSA with a long key, exactly the same as that issued by other certification authorities).

On October 26, 2022, it became known that in order to ensure the reliability of the functioning of the Russian resources of the Runet network, it is planned to introduce priority use of TLS certificates issued by Russian certification centers (CA), including using Russian cryptography, as well as create a distributed hierarchical system of Russian CAs.[1]

