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Баннер в шапке 2
2010/09/12 22:09:47

On April 4 — day of rise of Saint St Isidore of Seville - a protector of the Internet

The international Day of the Internet was tried to be entered several times into different dates, but any of them did not become traditional. In Russia date got accustomed on September 30. And all began with the fact that in 1998 the Moscow firm "IT Infoart Stars" sent to firms and the organizations the offer to support the initiative consisting of two points: appoint on September 30 in Afternoon, annually to celebrate it and conduct "a population census of the Russian-language Internet". At that time the number of users reached 1 million human. Besides, some consider Day of Runet 7 Opel as this day 1994 in the international database of national top-level domains record about the domain .ru appeared. In 1998 the World day of the Internet is authorized by the Father John Paul II. The patron saint of the Internet is still not approved officially though since 2000 temporary strings of Network are pulled by St Isidore of Seville, the Spanish bishop living in 560-636 years. He is considered the first Encyclopaedist who had a considerable impact on history of the Middle Ages. Therefore in many countries of the world the holiday of Network is celebrated on April 4 — in day of rise of Saint St Isidore of Seville. In many countries there are also national Days of the Internet. Usually they are dated for some events connected with introduction of the Internet in this country. Besides, on January 27 the international community celebrates "The international day of BEZ of the Internet". The organizer of this holiday are the enthusiasts worldwide who are carrying out the ideas through on-line community "Do Be".