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Developers: NUST MISIS (National Research Technological University)
Date of the premiere of the system: December 2022
Branches: Information Technology

2022: Russia has developed a wearable device for determining the purity of water

In early December 2022, the University of Science and Technology MISIS presented a device capable of receiving information about the state of temperature and humidity of the environment, the acidity of water and the presence of impurities in it. The project was called "Epishura" - in honor of a species of one of the most famous endemic - Baikal epishura - plankton crustaceans from a subclass of copepods that live only in Lake Baikal. This dominant species of zooplankton feeds on bacteria and unicellular algae, and during the day a small crustacean is able to filter about one glass of water, thereby participating in the purification of Baikal waters.

Sensors inside the Epishura allow you to receive information about the state of the environment: when the probe is lowered into the liquid, it vibrates, signaling that the water is drinkable.

Epishura - a device for determining the purity of water

As the co-author of the project Kamila Yusupova said, the device was created using 3D printing technologies, having previously modeled the body using virtual reality tools. All electronic stuffing was programmed and soldered based on the Arduino microcontroller.

As feedback signals - for interaction with a person, we used vibration sensors that simulate the natural user interface (Natural User Interface) - a system of interaction between a person and a computer, which the user controls using intuitive actions related to natural, everyday human behavior, - said Yusupova.

According to the authors, the Epishur device is not just an object that can determine the quality of drinking water, but also a work of art.[1]

