Customers: Mechanization of MSM-1 Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: RG-Soft Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2010/09
The RG-Soft company successfully completed the works on automation of accounting of the Mekhanization MSM-1 Ltd company rendering a full range of services in mechanization of installation and construction works based on the standard solution "1C: Accounting 8".
Creation of a common information space for company management, optimization and process automation of accounting was a main objective of the project. Besides, it was necessary to adjust detailed accounting on each piece of equipment having the specifics of efficiency evaluation.
Having carried out the analysis and comparison of functional characteristics of the different programs presented at the market, the management of Mekhanization MSM-1 Ltd selected the 1C: Accounting 8 software product. As the partner in implementation of this project the RG-Soft company was selected.
The project consisted of 5 stages: the express analysis business of processes, transfer of accounting from 1C: Accounting 7.7 in 1C: Accounting 8, drawing up technical specifications, development of the model of a system of management accounting, implementation of blocks of a system. Implementation of blocks of a system was performed step by step that allowed to start the most important sections of operational accounting first of all.
The accounting system which is conditionally broken into two parts became result of the carried-out works:
- The Managerial Database (MD) including information on all divisions and all necessary set of analytics.
- Accounting databases are the independent bases intended for conducting accounting and tax accounting separately on each division.
The following algorithm is developed and successfully applied to entering of data into a system:
- One part of information is entered through UBD that provides a necessary set of analytical signs;
- Other part of information is entered through accounting, and then comes to UBD where there is a further expansion of analytics.
The implemented system of management accounting allowed to keep effectively sales management, account of settlement regarding construction mechanization, accounting of the real estate, management of cash flows, control of mechanisms, accounting and tax accounting.
In management personnel accounting, planning department, banking group, legal department, settlement group are automated. In production divisions the dispatching office (department of operation), technological department, planning department are automated. Using the mechanism of daily exchange integration managerial is executed and accounting subsystems, synchronization of data happens daily in the automatic mode. A total quantity of jobs – 50; daily in a system about 200 transactions are executed.
System implementation of management accounting allowed:
- To quickly create revenue on the basis of primary data (the waybill, the official report of operation of mechanisms, etc.).
- To quickly create and analyze settlement with partners on terms, according to documents, on objects, on types of activity, etc.
- Exclude a problem of reconciliation of data of accounting and management accounting.
- Keep track of the status of primary documents.
- Automate processing of primary documents by mechanisms with required analytics (managers work in UBD).
- Have the data array and flexible reports allowing to obtain operational information about use of the equipment in required cuts of analytics (on objects, on partners, by types of the equipment).
- To quickly enter and process payment documents, to conduct data exchange about Bank client automatically.
- Identify payments according to budget items and the CFD.
- To quickly create reports on revenue and payment online.
- Automate drawing of acts and accounts at once on all agreements.
- Adjust flexible reports by required analytics (area type, an object, the agreement, the partner and so forth).
- Reduce labor input of budgeting of Income and Expenses, the Budget of cash flow.
- Messages recalculation of the budget for previous periods at change of an approach/format of the budget.
- Specific sites of work by drawing up the consolidated statements according to IFRS are automated.
Now are developed and blocks are in process of implementation: accounting of Inventories, the basic managerial reports and consolidation under RAS.
Summing up the project results, the chief financial officer of Mekhanization MSM-1 Ltd S.A. Michkovsky noted: "As a result of the executed project we received an information system which became a reliable source of management and financial information. Possibilities of 1C: Accounting 8 allow to solve different problems of accounting and financial planning of activity of our company. Additional settings and the developed blocks allowed to connect different divisions in a common information space and also to considerably reduce paper document flow, to exclude duplications of transactions, to reduce manual work. The system of management accounting developed by RG-Soft company as a superstructure over the standard configuration "1C: Accounting 8" allowed to save functionality and renewability of the standard solution and also to provide simplicity of setup of mechanisms of synchronization of data between bases".