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Music by Modest Mussorgsky. List of works



Main article: History of music in Russia

Stage works

Boris Godunov

"Boris Godunov," an opera in 4 acts on the composer's libretto ("On Pushkin and Karamzin") in the 1st edition (1868-1869), two paintings in the first, second and fourth acts and one picture in the third act:

  • "Call of Boris to the Kingdom,"
  • "The Wedding of Boris,"
  • "In the cell of the Chudov Monastery,"
  • "Korchma,"
  • "Tsarsky Terem in the Kremlin,"
  • "Square in front of St. Basil's Cathedral" and
  • "The Death of Boris."

In the 2nd edition (1871-1872) there are two paintings in the prologue, the first, third and fourth actions and one in the second:

  • "Courtyard of the Novodevichy Monastery near Moscow,"
  • "Square in the Kremlin Moscow (wedding to the kingdom),"
  • "In the cell of the Chudov Monastery,"
  • "Korchma on the Lithuanian border,"
  • "Tsarsky Terem in the Moscow Kremlin (Boris with children),"
  • "Marina Mnishek's Latrine in Sandomierz,"
  • "Mnishek Castle in Sandomierz (Fountain Stage),"
  • "Faceted Chamber in the Moscow Kremlin (death of Boris),"
  • "Forest Progaline under Kromy";

Dedication:... "I dedicate my work to you all that with good advice and sympathetic deed."

Performances and editions: 1874 (clavier), 1928 (score ed. P. A. Lamm and B. V. Asafiev), 1980 (score, clavier and all options).

Since 1897, "Boris Godunov" was staged in the editorial and orchestration of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. In 1896, a clavier was published, in 1908 - scenes published in the 1896 edition: Pimen's story about the kings, an episode with chimes, the story of Tsarevich Theodore about a parrot, the scene of the Impostor with Ran goni and the monologue of the Impostor after a polonaise. In 1906-1908 the score of the opera was released. In 1924, "Boris Godunov" was staged in Riga and ed. E. Melngailis. In 1939-1940 The new instrumentation of the Onera (without changing the musical text) was created by D. D. Shostakovich.


"Marriage" ("An Absolutely Incredible Event in Three Acts"), an experience of dramatic music in prose; to the text of the comedy of the same name by N.V. Gogol. The work of 1868 is dedicated to V.V. Stasov. Published in 1908 (clavier edited by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1933 (author ed.).

In 1931, M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov graduated from the opera, composing the 2nd, 3rd and 4th actions, and instrumental it.


"Mlada," an opera ballet conceived as a collective work by A.P. Borodina, D. A. Kui, M. P. Mussorgsky and I. A. Rimsky-Korsakov * *. on the plot of S. A. Gedeonov, libretto by V. A. Krylov; not finished; Op.: 1872; Mussorgsky owns three excerpts: "Bargaining Scene" and "March of Princes and Priests" for the 2nd action and "Service to the Black Goat" ("Chernobog Holiday") - for the 3rd; ed.: 1931 ("March of Princes and Priests" in †. P. A. Lamma for f-p, in 4 hands, 1932 ("The bargaining scene, ed. A. N. Rimsky-Korsakov in the box. to Prince: Mussorgsky M. Letters and documents). "Salambo, or Livian," an unfinished opera based on the novel by G. Flaubert "Salambo" to the composer's libretto (with the introduction of poems by V.A. Zhukovsky, A. N. Maykov, A. I. Polezhaev) *; Op.: 1863-1866; preserved in the form of a clavier: "Song of the Balearic" (1st action, 1st picture), Scene in the temple of Tanita in Carthage (2nd action, 2nd picture), Scene in front of the chapel of Moloch (3rd action, 1st picture), Scene in the underground of the Acropolis. Dungeon in the rock. Mato in chains (4th action, 1st picture), Women's Choir (Priestesses comfort Salambo and dress her in marriage robes) (4th action, 2nd picture), ed.: 1884 (score and clavier of the Women's Choir from the 2nd picture of the 4th action in ed. And instrumentation by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1939 (ed.).

Sorochinsky Fair

"Sorochinsky Fair," an unfinished comic opera in 3 acts on the libretto of the composer based on the novel of the same name by N.V. Gogol; Op.: 1875-1880; pos.: "Dumka Parasi" - E. A. Miloradovich, "Song of Khivri" - A. N. Molas; ed.: 1916 (clavier and score of the entire opera ed. And instrumentation by C. A. Kui). In 1886, in the author's editory. were published "Song of Khivri," "Dumka Parasi" and "Hopak of Cheerful Parobks."

A number of names are associated with the work on the completion of the "Sorochineka Fair." The first, at the initiative of A. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.K. Lyadov started it, ed. And the instrumentation of which in 1904 scores and claviers were published (arrangements for f-p. in 2 n 4 hands performed by K. N. Chernov) of the following four numbers: Introduction ("Hot Day in Little Russia"), "Dumka Parobka" from the 1st action, "Song of Khivri" from the 2nd action, "Hopak of cheerful parobks" from the 3rd action. In 1912, "Dumka Parasi," orchestrated by V. A. Senilov, was published. In the same year, ed. V. G. Karatygin, the claviers of the Introduction and the Fair Stage, the comic duet of Kum and Cherevik from the 1st action and the comic scenes of Khivri, Cherevik and Afanasy Ivanovich from the 2nd action were published. In connection with the production of the opera in 1913, Yu. S. Sakhnovsky instrumental part of the music. In 1915-1916 Cui worked on the completion and orchestration of the entire opera. However, his editorial board was not the last. Using the treatments of Lyadov, Karatygin and Kui, N. N. Cherepnin prepared another edition (published in Paris in 1923). In 1930, V, Ya. Shebalin prepared a new edition of the "Sorochny Fair," based on the original materials of Mussorgsky, and completed and instrumental the missing scenes.


"Khovanshchina," a folk musical drama in 5 acts on the composer's libretto; Op.: 1872-1880; pos.: V.V. Stasov ("Gadanye Martha" - D. M. Leonova, "The Younger Girl Came Out" - - A. Ya. Petrova-Vorobyeva, "The Dance of the Persian Women" - O. A. Golenishch oy-Kutuzova, the beginning of the last picture - M. I. Fedorova); ed.: 1883 (clavier and score ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1931 (clavier ed. P. A. Lamm and B.V. Asafiev); Spanish: 1886 (ed. And instrumentation by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov).

After N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, I.F. Stravinsky and M. Ravel worked on Khovanshchina in connection with its production in Paris (Russian seasons abroad by S.P. Diaghilev), striving to bring the sound of music closer to the original. Revising ed. Rimsky-Korsakov, they changed it through separate borrowings from Mussorgsky's autographs, some abbreviations and re-tools. In 1913, the final choir was published in the processing of Stravinsky. In 1963, Khovanshchina, instrumental by D. D. Shostakovich, was published from print.


"Oedipus," music to Sophocles' tragedy "Oedipus Tsar"; not over; Op.: 1859-1861; the choir "What will happen to us" (scene in the temple) has been preserved; pos.: Zh. A. Balakirev; Spanish: 1861; ed.: 1883 (score and clavier with voices ed. And instrumentation by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov).

Compositions for orchestra

March "Taking Kars"; Op.; 1879—1880; Spanish: 1880; ed.: 1883 (ed. And instrumentation by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov).

"Night on Lysaya Gora" ("Ivanova night on Lysaya Gora"), simf. picture; Op.: 1867; ed.: 1886 (ed. N. A; Rimsky-Korsakov)

Scherzo B-dur; Op.: 1858; pos.: A. S. Gussakovsky; ed.: 1860.

Intermezzo in modo classico; Op.: 1867; pos.: Alexander Porfirievich Borodin; ed.: 1883 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov).

Vocal compositions


"Joshua," a choir for soloists, choir and f-p;; Op.: 1866 (1st ed.), 1877 (2nd ed.); pos.: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Rimsky-Korsakova; ed.: 1883 (ed. And instrumentation by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov).

"Shamil's March," for tenor, bass, choir and orchestra; Op.: 1859; pos.: Alexander Petrovich Arsenyev.

"Defeat of Sennacherib" for choir and orchestra to lyrics by J. N. G. Byron of "Jewish Melodies"; Op.: 1867 (1st ed.), 1874 (2nd ed.; Mussorgsky's postscript: "The second presentation, improved according to the comments of Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov"); pos.: Milia Alekseevich Balakirev (1st ed.); Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov (2nd ed.); ed.; 1871 (1st ed. For choir from f-p.).

Romances and songs

"Ah, you, drunk aunt" (From the adventures of Pakhomych), a song to the words of the composer; Op.: 1866; pos.: Vladimir Vasilievich Nikolsky; ed.: 1926 (ed. A.N. Rimsky-Korsakov). "Without the Sun," vocal cycle for the words of A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1. "Within Four Walls"; 2. "You didn't recognize me in the crowd"; 3. "The Idle Noisy Day Is Over"; 4. "Miss It"; 5. "Elegy"; 6. "Above the River"); Op.: 1874; pos.: A. A. Golenishcheva-Kutuzov; ed.: 1874. "Merry Hour," a table song with words by A. V, Koltsov; Op.: 1858; pos<: Василию Васильевичу Захарьину; изд.: 1923. "Evening Song" to the words of A. N. Pleshcheev; Op.: 1871; pos.: Sofya Vladimirovna Serbina (Fortunato); ed.: 1912 (free ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1929 (auto. Ed.). "Vision," a romance with the words of A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov; Op.: 1877; pos.: Elizaveta Andreevna Gulevich; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1934 (ed.). "Where are you, star," a song with words by N.P. Grekov; Op.: 1858; pos.: I, L. Grunberg; ed.: 1909 (only with French. text), 1911 (with Russian and German text edited by V. G. Karatygin). "Hopak," a song to words from the poem "Gaydamaki" by T. G. Shevchenko in per. L. A. Mey; Op.: 1866; pos.: Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov; ed.: 1933. "The soul of heaven flew quietly," a romance to the words of A.K. Tolstoy; Op.: 1877; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1934 (ed.). "Children's" (Episodes from childhood life), a vocal cycle with the words of the composer (1. "With the Nanny"; Op.: 1868; pos.: A. S. Dargomyzhsky; 2. "In the Corner," Op.: 1870; pos.: V. A. Hartman; 3. "Zhuk"; Op.: 1870; pos.: V.V. Stasova; 4. "With the Doll," lullaby; Op.: 1870; pos.: Tane and Goge Mussorgsky; 5. «At bedtime»; Op.: 1870; posv Sasha Kui); ed.: 1871 (No. 2, 3, 4), 1872 (in full) and 1907 (with the addition of the songs "Cat Sailor" and "I went on a stick"). "Children's Song" to the words of L. A. May from "Rusnatsky Songs" (No. 2 "Nana") Op.: 1868; ed.: 1871. "The winds are blowing, the winds are violent," a song to the words of A.V. Koltsov; Op.: 1864; pos.: Vyacheslav Alekseyevich Loginov; ed.: 1909 (Paris; only with French. text), 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1931 (aut. ed.). "Jewish Song" to the words of L. A. May (from "Song of Songs"); Op.: 1867; pos.: Filaret Petrovich and Tatyana Pavlovna Mussorgsky; ed.: 1868

"Desire," a romance with words by G. Heine in per. M. I. Mikhailov; Op.: 1866; pos.: Nadezhda Petrovna Opochinina ("in memory of her trial over me"); ed.: 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1933 (ed.). "Forgotten," vocal ballad to the words of A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov "from Vereshchagin"; Op.: 1874; pos.: V.V. Vereshchagin; ed.: 1874 (not allowed for release) and 1877. "Wicked Death," tombstone for voice with f-p. to the composer's words; Op.: 1874 (impressed by the death of N.P. Opochinina); ed.: 1912 (ed. V. G. Karatygin, who completed the last 12 measures). "A lot has grown out of my tears," a romance with words by G. Heine (in the pen. M. I. Mikhailov); Op.: 1866; pos.: Vladimir Petrovich Opochinin; ed.: 1933. "Kalistrat," a song to the words of N. A. Nekrasov (slightly changed); Op.: 1864; pos.: Alexander Petrovich Opochinin; ed.: 1883 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1931 (ed.). "Classic," muses. pamphlet on the composer's words; Op.: 1867; pos.: Nadezhda Petrovna Opochinina; ed.: 1870. "Goat," a secular fairy tale on the composer's words; Op.: 1867; pos.: Alexander Porfirievich Borodin; ed.: 1868. "Yeremushki's lullaby," a song to the words of N. A. Nekrasov; Op.: 1868; pos.: "The great teacher of musical truth Alexander Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky"; ed.: 1871.

"Cat Sailor," a song to the words of the composer for the cycle "Children's" (see), No. 6; Op.: 1872; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, along with the song "I went on a stick" under the general name "In the country") and 1907 (as No. 6 of the cycle "Children's"). "The leaves were noisy despondently," muses. a story with the words of A.N. Pleshcheev; Op.: 1859; pos.: Mikhail Osipovich Mikeshin; ed.: 1909 (Paris, with one franz. text), 1911 (with Russian text, ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1931 (aut. ed.). "Baby," a romance to the words of A. N. Pleshcheev; Op.: 1866; pos.: L.V. Azaryevo, ed.: 1923. "I have a lot of towers and gardens," a romance with the words of A.V. Koltsov; Op.: 1863; pos.: Platon Timofeevich Boryspolts; ed.: 1923.

"Prayer," a romance on the words of M. Yu. Lermontov; Op.: 1865; pos.: Yulia Ivanovna Mussorgskaya; ed.: 1923. "Incomprehensible," a romance to the composer's words; Op.: 1875; pos.: Maria Izmailovna Kostyurina; ed.: 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1931 {author ed.). "But if I could meet you," a romance to the words of V. S. Kurochkin; Op.: 1863; pos.: Nadezhda Petrovna Opochinina; ed.: 1923, 1931 (ed.).

"Night," fantasy for the words of A. S. Pushkin; Op.: 1864 (1st ed.), 1871 (2nd ed. With a free presentation of the Pushkin poem); pos.: Nadezhda Petrovna Opochinina; ed.: 1871 (2nd ed.), 1923 (1st ed.), 1931 (auto. Ed.). "Mischievous," a song to the composer's lyrics; Op.: 1867; pos.: Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov; ed.: 1871. "Oh, is it an honor to do well to hide linen," a song to the words of A.K. Tolstoy; Op.: 1877; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1934 (ed.).

"Rejected," the experience of recitative on the words of Yves. G. M.; Op.: 1865; ed.: 1923.

"Why, say, soul-girl," a song to the words of an unknown author; Op.: 1858; pos.: Zinaide Afanasyevna Burtseva; ed.: 1867. "Songs and Dances of Death," a vocal cycle with words by A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1. "Lullaby"; Op.: 1875; pos.: Anna Yakovlevna Petrova-Vorobyeva; 2. "Serenade"; Op.: 1875; pos.: Lyudmila Ivanovna Shestakova; 3. "Trepak"; Op.: 1875; pos.: Osip Afanasyevich Petrov; 4. "Commander"; Op.: 1877; pos.: Arseny Arkadyevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov); ed.: 1882 (ed. I. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1928 (ed.). "Song of the Elder" to the words of I. V. Goethe (from "Wilhelm Meister"); Op.: 1863; pos.: Alexander Petrovich Opochinin; ed.: 1909 (Paris, with one franz. text), 1911 (with Russian text in ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1931 (aut. ed.). "Mephistopheles song" to the words of I. V. Goethe (from "Faust" to per, A. N. Strugovshikov); Op.: 1879; pos.: Daria Mikhailovna Leonova; ed.: 1883 (ed. I. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1934 (ed.). "Pirushka," a story for voice and f-p. to the words of A.V. Koltsov; Op.: 1867; pos.: Lyudmila Ivanovna Shestakova; ed.: 1868. "According to mushrooms," a song to the words of L. A. May; Op.: 1867; pos.: Vladimir Vasilievich Nikolsky; ed.: 1868. "I went on a stick," a song to the composer's words for the cycle "Children's" (see), No. 7; Op.: 1872; posv,: Dmitry Vasilievich and Poliksen Stepanovna Stasov; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov together with the song "Cat Sailor" under the general name "In the Country") and 1907 (as No. 7 of the cycle "Children's"). "On the Don, the garden blooms," a song to the words of A.V. Koltsov; Op.: 1867; ed.: 1883 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1929 (ed.). "Rayok," muse, joke for voice with f-p. to the composer's words; Op.: 1870; pos.: Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov; ed.: 1871. "Scattered, parted," the song to the words of A. K. Tolstoy; Op.: 1877; pos.: Olga Andreevna Golenishcheva-Kutuzova; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1934 (ed.). "Svetik Savishna," a song with lyrics by the composer; Op.: 1866; pos.: Caesar Antonovich Cui; ed.: 1867. "Seminarian," a song to the composer's lyrics; Op.: 1866; pos.: Lyudmila Ivanovna Shestakova; ed.: 1870. "Orphan," a song to the composer's words; Op.: 1868; pos.: Ekaterina Sergeevna Protopopova; ed.: 1871, "Sing," a song with lyrics by A.K. Tolstoy; Op.: 1877; pos.: Anatoly Evgrafovich Palchikov; ed.: 1882 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov). "Sleep, sleep, peasant son," a lullaby song to the words of A. N. Ostrovsky (from the comedy "Voivode"); Op.: 1865; pos.: In memory of Yulia Ivanovna Mussorgskaya; ed.: 1871 (2nd ed.), 1922 (1st ed.). "Wanderer," a romance to the words of A. N. Pleshcheev; Op.: 1878; ed.: 1883 (ed. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1934 (ed.). "White-boa dragonfly," a joke for a voice with f-p. to the words of A. S. Pushkin (from the poems "Strekotunya-Beloboka" and "Bells Ring" - with minor changes); Op.: 1867; pos.: Alexander Petrovich and Nadezhda Petrovna Opochininym; ed.: 1871. "King Saul," a Jewish melody to the words of J.N. G. Byron in per. P.A. Kozlova; Op.: 1863 (1st and 2nd ed.); pos.: Alexander Petrovich Opochinin (1st ed.); ed.: 1871 (2nd ed.), 1923 (1st ed.). "What are you words of love," a romance on the words of A. N. Ammosov; Op.: 1860; pos.: Maria Vasilyevna Shilovskaya; ed.: 1923. "Meines Herzens Sehnsuchb (" Desire of the Heart "), a romance to a German text by an unknown author; Op.: 1858; pos.: Malvine Bamberg; ed.: 1907.

Compositions for piano

"Near the South Coast of Crimea" ("Baidary"), capriccio; Op.: 1879 (recorded 1880); ed.: 1880.

"In the Village" ("Au Village; Quasi Fantasia *), a play; Op.: 1880; pos.: I.F. Gorbunov; ed.: 1882 (magazine «Le NouvellisU, Яе 9).

"Duma," a play on the theme of V.A. Loginova; Op.: 1865; pos.: V. A. Loginova; ed.: 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygin).

"Pictures from the Exhibition" ("Remembrance of Victor Hartman"), a series of plays:

  • "The Walk";
  • 1. "Dwarf";
  • 2. "Old Castle";
  • 3. "The Tuilrian Garden";
  • 4, "Cattle";
  • 5. "Ballet of Unhatched Chicks";
  • 6. "Two Jews, Rich and Poor";
  • 7. "Limoges. Market ";
  • 8. "Catacombs. Roman Tomb ";
  • 9. "Hut on chicken legs";
  • 10. "Bogatyr Gate in the Capital City in Kyiv").

The work of 1874 is dedicated to V.V. Stasov ("To you, the organizer of the Hartmann exhibition, in memory of our dear Hartmann. July 27, 74 "). Editions: 1886 (ed. N, A. Rimsky-Korsakov), 1930 (ed.).

"On the Southern Coast of Crimea" ("Gurzuf at Ayu-Dag"), a play with the subtitle: "From Travel Notes"; Op.: 1879; pos.: Daria Mikhailovna Leonova; ed.: 1880.

"From Childhood Memories," two plays (1. "Nanny and Me"; 2. "First punishment"); Op.: 1865; pos.: "I dedicate to the memory of my mother"; ed.: 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygin, who added 13 bars in the second, not completed Mussorgsky play), 1939 (ed.).

"Seamstress," skercino; Op.: 1870; ed.: 1872.

Ein Kinderscherz, a play also entitled: "Children's Games," "Corners"; Op.: 1859 and 1860; pos.: Nikolai Alexandrovich Levashev (ed. 1859); ed.: 1873. Impromptu passionne ("Remembrance of Beltov and Luba"); Op.: 1859; pos.: Nadezhda Petrovna Opochinina; ed.: 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1939 (ed.).

Intermezzo; Op.: 1861; ed.: 1873.

La capncieuse, L, Heiden-themed play; Op.: 1865; pos.: Hope Petrovna Opochinina; ed.: 1939. «Meditation» (FeuilJet d'album); sleep: 1880; ed.: 1880. "Porte-enseigne" ("Sub-ensign"), polka; Op. and ed.: 1852; pos.: "Fellow Junker School Students."

Scherzo cis-moll; Op.: 1858; pos.: Liubov Mikhaylovna Bube; ed.: 19P (ed. V. G. Karatygin), 1939 (auto. Ed., Two options).

"Souvenir sGeshapse" ("Remembrance of Childhood"), a play; Op.: 1857; pos.: Nikolai Obolensky; ed.: 1911 (ed. V. G. Karatygina),. 1939 (auto ed.).

Une larme ("Tear"); Op.: 1880; ed.: 1880s. (posthumous).

Unsaved writings

"Storm on the Black Sea," a big muse. picture for f-p.; Op.: 1879; not recorded. Sonata in C major for f-p. in 4 hands; Op.: and Spanish,: 1861. Menuetto (or Menuet monstre), for orchestra OR f-p; Op.: 1861.

Unfulfilled Designs

"Anika the Warrior and Death," for voice and f-p; vocal cycle "Songs and Dances of Death" as Ae 5 (the idea of ​ ​ 1876). "Biron," opera. "Bobyl," an opera on the plot of Shpilgagen's novel "Hans and Greta," remade "in Russian way" by V. V. Stasov; for this opera, Mussorgsky sketched a divination scene (1870), which he later used in the divination scene of Martha in Khovanshchina. Large suite for orchestra with harps and f-p. on the themes of the peoples of the Trans-Caspian region (plan of 1880). "Gang Islandets," an opera on the plot of V. Hugo; the idea dates back to 1856. "Like heaven, your gaze shines," a romance to the words of M. Yu. Lermontov (plan 1865). Comic opera on the plot of Gogol (plan 1871). "Leshiy," an opera on the plot of A.F. Pisemsky (plan 1869). Folk historical musical drama with the participation of the Volga Cossack (plan 1871-1872). "Podibrad Czech," a symphonic poem (plan of 1867). "Pugachevschina," an opera on the plot of "Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin with the introduction of "other new elements" (plan of 1877); on the Kyrgyz folk song recorded from P. I. Pashino, the composer made a note: "NB. For the last opera "Pugachevschina." " "Cancer," or "Nettle Mountain," for voice and f-p; a musical pamphlet on Larosh - the opponent of the "Mighty Bunch"; to the words of the composer (plan of 1874). "Savva Grudtsyn," an opera on the plot of a Russian anonymous story of the XVII century, which was supposed to be composed in collaboration with Golenishchev-Kutuzov (plan of 1881. In the last days of his life). Symphony in D major in 4 movements; Op. (sketches for f-p.): 1861-1862; pos.: presumably: "Wednesday's Partnership"; records have not survived.

See also