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Novomoskovskiy Avtoplus (Nord Clan: RDetector)

Customers: Novomoskovsky Avtoplus

Novomoskovsk; Transport

Contractors: Nord Clan
Product: Nord Clan: RDetector

Project date: 2021/08  - 2021/09

2021: Connecting the fleet to the RDetector service

In August 2021, the Customer faced the question of compliance with Government Decree No. 969 on transport safety. The choice fell on the RDetector service.

"We tested the service for a short time - I liked everything at once, and in just a couple of months we connected the entire fleet. The accuracy of the count is high. It is convenient that in one place you can watch fragments with passenger traffic, and videos from salon cameras, including online videos. After equipping the entire fleet, revenue from each bus increased by an average of 5-10%, "said Igor Vitalievich Lazarev, director of Novomoskovsky Avtoplus LLC.