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2023: Fine of 3 million rubles for the death of a patient after gynecological surgery

The Petrodvortsovy District Court of St. Petersburg announced the verdict against the obstetrician-gynecologist Alla Ananko, who was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This was announced on February 6, 2023 by the United Press Service of the Courts of St. Petersburg.

The incident occurred in December 2019. The investigation established that the doctor during the surgical treatment made a defect that caused the patient's death from intraoperative trauma two months later: a woman born in 1955 developed peritonitally late diagnosis of which was also facilitated by the absence of a surgeon during the operation and Ananko's refusal to drain the abdominal cavity, contrary to the practice generally accepted in surgery. This defect consists of indirect (indirect) causal relationship with the onset of death. The doctor herself denied everything at the trial and pleaded not guilty.

A hospital in St. Petersburg will pay 3 million rubles for the death of a patient after a gynecological operation

The court imposed a punishment in the form of restriction of freedom for a period of 1 year with a ban on engaging in activities in the field of health care for a period of 1 year. Due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, she was released from the prescribed punishment.

The court also recovered 3 million rubles from the hospital where the operation was carried out in favor of the relatives of the deceased patient for moral damage.

We are talking about the Nikolaev hospital in Peterhof, clarified "Fontanka."

Another resonant case in the northern capital in the field of medicine became known on February 3, 2023. The head physician and obstetrician-gynecologist of one of the medical centers was detained on suspicion of human trafficking. According to investigators, they entered into an agreement with a foreigner in order to sell him children born from surrogate mothers.[1]
