Source-Audio (Source Audio Trading and Source Audio International) (1C:CRM. Module for 1C:ERP and 1S:KA2)
Customers: Source-Audio (Source Audio Trading and Source Audio International) Fryazino; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: AKAM Product: 1C:CRM. Module for 1C:ERP and 1S:KA2Second product: 1C-Rarus: Integration with telephony (SoftFon) Project date: 2021/06 - 2022/12
2022: Implementation of solutions "1C:CRM. Module for 1C:ERP and 1S:KA2 "and" 1C-Rarus: Integration with telephony (SoftFon) "
To solve the tasks, the CRM 3.0 module was purchased and built into the ERP 2.4 solution. Also, work was done on setting up 1C-Rarus: Integration with telephony (SoftFon) with the adaptation of the 1C:CRM software product.
The CRM module made it possible to differentiate the work of each division using sales funnels for each of the divisions. The main tasks of the implementation are to make it possible to end-to-end analysis of information with control over the company's processes, maintain and control the client from the stage of acquaintance to the shipment of goods, as well as the functionality of authorizing projects and tracking them.
Project results:
- Differentiation of employee rights when working with the system;
- Possibility to build a sales funnel for several sales scenarios at the same time;
- The ability to set tasks from the CRM module to users who do not have CRM connected;
- Update the sales information in the Customer Order document for the planned lines from the Lead document;
- Formation of printed forms of contracts;
- Formation of printed forms of commercial proposals;
- Maintain a list of authorized projects;
- Allocation of end customers in the transaction;
- The ability to authorize and de-authorize projects in a transaction with the indication of end customers;
- The ability to commit a transaction to a vendor order and vice versa;
- Automation of specifying the deal number when writing a letter;
- You have set up a report that allows you to see the planned sale of goods for transactions.