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Pulkovo Airport has introduced mobile boarding passes based on Russian software

Customers: Northern Capital Gateway

Contractors: NeoLabs

Project date: 2023/03

2023: Pulkovo Airport introduces mobile boarding passes based on Russian software

The Northern Capital Air Gate (VVSS) company, which manages the operational activities of Pulkovo Airport, launched a mobile boarding pass service on March 1, 2023. To implement the project, Russian software developed by Neolabs was chosen.

The new service is available for all carriers flying on domestic routes. Passengers will need to present a coupon on a mobile device after preliminary online check-in to pass pre-flight control and board the flight. The service is aimed at travelers with hand luggage, if they have luggage, they will need to go to the check-in desk, the VVSS press service explained.

Pulkovo Airport

The operating director of the company, Andrei Drobovich, noted that the system was deployed in record time - in one month. The introduction of the new service is another step towards digital transformation and improving the quality of airport services, the VVSS said.

Pulkovo Airport is known as one of the most actively transforming its IT landscape of Russian airports, consistently and structurally implementing the import substitution strategy and adapting both its own and advanced domestic software products within it. And this transformation is successfully achieved by colleagues in the context of the progressive growth of passenger traffic, which significantly complicates the task and makes it unique for our market in the current period of time, "said Alexander Semchenko, CEO of NeoLabs.

Andrei Drobovich stressed that the growth of passenger traffic in 2023 and the import substitution policy pursued by the airport within the framework of the Airports industrial competence center dictates new requirements for the IT landscape of the enterprise and its forming systems in order to preserve the high quality of passenger service.[1]
