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State Data Administration of China




2023: Establishing Governance

On March 7, 2023, China announced the creation of a national data bureau, calling it part of an effort to coordinate data resources in the country and achieve the concept of "digital China" conceived by President Xi Jinping.

The State Data Administration of China, which will be headed by State the Development and Reform Committee, will be responsible for the coordinated promotion of the construction of fundamental data institutions. The agency will be responsible for the unified planning of integration, sharing, development and application of information resources, as well as for the promotion of planning and construction digital economy in. According state to the 1st session of the NPC of the 14th convocation, China there will be a reform of the apparatus of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, which will be approved on March 10, 2023.

The National Data Bureau will coordinate data in China and make decisions on data exports by multinational companies

The State Data Administration of China will be entrusted with making decisions on the export by multinational companies of data obtained as a result of operations in China, according to The Wall Street Journal. The government agency will establish and ensure compliance with the rules for the collection and exchange of information for enterprises. For example, the Chinese State Data Administration may prohibit companies from collecting certain types of consumer data or checking information that Chinese companies intend to share with foreign business partners, as well as detecting violations that threaten the national security of the PRC. In addition, the regulator will investigate various problems in the digital sphere, including the use of algorithms to manipulate data. The agency will also identify security vulnerabilities that may be subject to cyber attacks.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's vision of "digital China" aims to ensure that the country is populated by smart, Internet-connected cities. The data array should be considered, along with labor and capital, as a key factor contributing to the development of the economy and helping the PRC to compete more effectively at the global level. The Chinese leader stressed that the merger of the digital and real economies should be supported by a reliable legal and political framework. Xi Jinping noted that as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital sector continues to evolve, and solutions such as big data and AI are having an increasing impact on the world around it. China, according to Xi Jinping, must comply with these trends, and maintain a strong position in the technology race. Independent innovation is critical to the development of the PRC.[1]
