Customers: Kazan Drugstores Kazan; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: INTALEV, Volga office Product: Intalev: Corporate financesProject date: 2007/05
Intalev was completed by the project on setting and automation of budget management in regional pharmacy chain "Kazan Drugstores". The project provided parallel implementation of the program "1C. Enterprise accounting 8.0" and the Corporate Finances of 2005 systems from Intalev company.
Due to growth of network and entry into the market of the neighboring regions (is in the plans of the organization to increase the number of the opened drugstores by 30-50% annually), in the company the decision on setting of a budgeting system was made. Besides, need for improvement of financial accounting, automation of work of merchandisers, creation of a system of the automatic order ripened.
The corporate seminar by methods of setting of budget management as a result of which in the company the team of managers capable independently was created to project, change and support a system of financial planning and management became the first stage in system learning. On the next stage, within five days the financial structure in which basis possibilities of the subsequent consolidation of information on all holding were put was created. Adoption of such solution is connected with the fact that the Kazan Drugstores company is one of the companies of holding which part several legal entities who are not subordinated to uniform command center are. It is planned that based on its management team the control structure of holding will be created.
During the project the managerial chart of accounts was designed and the daily mechanism of automatic data loading from an accounting circuit in managerial is fulfilled. Besides, the analysis of a payback period of everyone of drugstores of network is developed.
Project duration was 31 working days, and calendar duration - 4 months. In a work progress the structure from 230 centers of the financial responsibility (CFR) was described, 15 functional budgets are selected.
During operating time the single database of accounting and management accounting was obtained. In working base plans for the beginning of year for the retrospective analysis were reproduced and the actual information on accomplishment of budgets from the accounting system is broadcast. Closing statements of a budgeting system (final BDR, BDDS, Balance) and analytical coefficients were received. For increase in confidentiality of managerial data and decrease in possible errors of information input the security system differentiating access to certain users to each object in the database was customized.