Developers: | Cisco Systems |
Branches: | Transport |
Technology: | SCS, Management systems for performance of network applications |
On September 21, 2010 in Berlin Cisco announced the S³P device (Secure Station Service Platform is the platform of safe station services). It provides to station operators more reliable and economic method of increase in security at stations and expansion of the range of the information services provided to passengers.
If at the railway station light dies away or there are breaks of communication cables, passengers can be left without crucial services, and the railroad - without communication between stations. As a result not only the information security, but also safety of passengers can suffer. The S³P platform creates the "smart" distributed network keeping in free contact between stations, high availability of support services and informing passengers and also the advanced video surveillance systems and analysts working both in the presence of communication with the station and in its absence.
The new solution of Cisco is based on Cisco AXP technology (Application eXtension Platform is the platform of expansion of applications), which creates a basis for close integration of "smart" applications of the large producer – ASL company with station IP network. The AXP technology which is built in the router with the integrated Cisco ISR services effectively reduces the number of the devices installed in the machine hall of the railway station. In comparison with traditional solutions, such integrated approach immediately provides to the customer economy of financial resources and energy. Besides, it is much simpler and cheaper in operation and service. Are among key characteristics of S³P:
- Increase in knowledge of passengers. The unified Cisco IP phones connected to the S³P platforms allow the station agent to notify timely passengers on a public address system and also to reproduce in advance written messages, and not only on the, but also at other stations. The warning system about failures of ASL and function of diagnostics of S³P maintain continuous availability of aid stations, video surveillance systems and services of informing passengers even at loss of communication with a head-end. Passengers anyway will obtain the last minute information.
- Increased security at stations. The onboard systems of video analytics from ASL company allow the solution S³P to monitor emergence on the ways of strangers and to report on such incidents, to control flows of passengers, to stop attempts of fraud on tourniquets, to distinguish the forgotten baggage, to identify cars and people on railway crossings, to fight against thefts of cars on parkings, to monitor gadabouts citizens and to prevent attempts of damage of walls texts and drawings (graffiti). All this raises the security level at stations and creates confidence in security of the travel at passengers. Having recognized a problem, the S³P platform automatically notifies on it the relevant services.
- Simplicity of installation and support. The solution S³P differs in the low cost of deployment and technical support. In comparison with alternative solutions, this integrated approach can reduce energy consumption and is considerable reduce a capital expenditure of the customer. S³P integrates the majority of the technologies necessary for the railway station, in one device and as a result borrows much less the place, than traditional solutions. Normal scheduled works on the solution S³P can be performed without the aid of the qualified technical specialist, and upgrade of the software and services can quicker be performed, than usually, and at smaller expenses.
- Low probability of interruption of crucial services. Usually in the absence of communication with a central station service quality at the railway station sharply falls. For example, at break of a transmission line or communication cables communication between stations can be completely lost. The S³P platform can independently work without prejudice to "smart" functions even in the absence of communication with a master station: at the station all communication services and crucial technologies, including video surveillance systems and a public address system will be supported.
- Reduction of penalties. S³P reduces the probability of imposing of penalties for lack of such crucial services as video surveillance, aid stations and the systems of informing customers, including at long distances.
- Accurate and clear sound declarations. The solution ASL for dynamic compensation of an acoustic background (Dynamic Ambient Noise Sensing, DANS) uses the modern technology which is continuously configuring sound declarations so that they are reproduced accurately and clearly in any sound environment. Even if to the platform there arrives loudly rustling train, all of you will equally hear the sound declaration and will be able to understand it. In addition, this technology will bring considerable benefit to residents of nearby areas: the DANS technology reduces sound "pollution" of the environment, supporting the volume of declarations at optimum level which increases only at emergency.
- Advanced system of informing on incidents. S³P quickly informs the operator on all incidents, for example, about leaky closed automatic doors. Besides, the warning system knows the level of priority of different incidents about statuses (Derived Status Handler) and understands to whom in each case to announce them. So, for example, some messages will be transferred to the central dispatcher station, and others - to the subcontract repair organizations.
- Observance of regulatory requirements in the warning system. S³P writes all emergency and other declarations made at the station and puts down on them date and time according to statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Compatibility with station management systems. iVENCS S³P, the management system for stations, best in the class, from ASL company is a part of the solution. In the subsequent versions also others will be supported a system of similar type. As a result the operator will be able quicker to implement at stations new services (including services of video surveillance and access control) and will receive freedom of choice of management systems.