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Sinara-TM Launches Serial Production Of Railway Machines In India

Customers: Sinara-Transport Machines (CTM)

Yekaterinburg; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Contractors: Indian Railways

Project date: 2023/04

Sinara - Transport Machines (Sinara-TM, STM) completed the assembly of the first instance of a straightening and leveling machine (work site tamper, WST) at the plant of a technological partner in India - SAN Engineering & Locomotives in Bengaluru. This was reported in the Russian holding on April 7, 2023.

The WST machine will be handed over to Indian Railways (IZhD) for regular operation in May 2023 after passing acceptance tests, as well as the commissioning process. A series of BRM machines are also being prepared for shipment. As noted by Anton Zubikhin, First Deputy General Director of STM for Sales and Interaction with Authorities, 10 machine kits are already fully ready, and the company expects to ship them in May-June 2023.

Straightening-trimming-straightening machine

WST machines are designed to perform work on straightening, fitting and straightening of the railway track for all types of repair, construction and current maintenance of the track. BRM machines are used to distribute and plan freshly filled or cleaned ballast and have a storage hopper for metering crushed stone and forming a ballast prism at speeds up to 15 m/h.

According to the Sinara-TM holding, all railway equipment supplied by the Russian company to India is adapted to the requirements of the country's Ministry of Railways and, thus, ensures uninterrupted operation at air temperatures up to + 55 Co, humidity up to 100% and track slopes up to 30 ppm. WSTs are manufactured by the Remputmash Group, while BRMs are manufactured at the sites of the Kalugaputmash plant.

According to Zubikhin, by April 2023, 21 units of track equipment manufactured by STM were operated on the IZhD network, for example: straightening and leveling machines, track cranes, dynamic track stabilizers, ballast schedulers. Comprehensive service of equipment is also carried out at five landfills of Indian railways.[1]
