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2023: Fine of 1 million rubles for the sale of counterfeit medicines

In April 2023, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dismissed the complaint of the capital's Eurofarm LLC against the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court to hold the pharmacy organization liable under Part 1 of Article 6.33 of the Administrative Code. Thus, the company will have to pay a fine of 1 million rubles.

According to the press service of Roszdravnadzor, on behalf of the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, the territorial body of the department in Moscow and the Moscow region conducted an unscheduled on-site inspection of the pharmacy organization Eurofarm LLC at the end of 2022, in which, according to media reports, expensive drugs were illegally sold.

Moscow pharmacy "Europharm" pays 1 million rubles for the sale of counterfeit drugs

During the supervisory measures, the Roszdravnadzor commission revealed numerous violations of the licensing requirements of pharmaceutical activities in Eurofarm LLC. In particular, the fact of storing drugs that could not be legally received and in circulation by Europharm LLC was established, since they had previously been released to patients on preferential prescriptions and issued for medical use in various medical organizations in the Russian Federation.

The labeling codes on drug packages were deliberately damaged so that buyers of these drugs could not verify the legality of the sale of the drug. However, officials of the Territorial Body, with the help of the FGIS MDLP, managed to restore that 25 packages of drugs had previously been released under preferential prescriptions from pharmacies in the Moscow region, the Republic of Dagestan and the Volgograd region, another 24 packages were issued in medical organizations to assist patients of the Moscow region, Ryazan, Novosibirsk, Smolensk regions and the Republic of Mari El.

According to the results of verification measures, the Territorial Body of Roszdravnadzor in Moscow and the Moscow Region drew up protocols on administrative offenses under Part 1 of Art. 6.33, part 2 of Art. 6.34, as well as under part 4 of Art. 14.1. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.[1]
