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Evrofinance Mosnarbank enhances bank efficiency industrial analytics

Customers: Evrofinance Mosnarbank (Eurofinance)

Contractors: Intersoft Lab
Product: Oracle Business Intelligence

Project date: 2010/06  - 2010/09


The Intersoft Lab company and JSC JSB Evrofinance Mosnarbank announced results of implementation of the analytical Oracle Business Intelligence platform for preparation of the reporting. The solution based on Oracle BI allows users to receive reports of presentation quality and to configure new report forms with the minimum support of IT department.

Background of the project

Implementation of Oracle BI was executed following the large-scale BPM project of bank with consulting support of Intersoft Lab – the supplier of data warehouses and BPM systems.

Since 2004 JSB Evrofinance Mosnarbank uses the data warehouse Circuit from Intersoft Lab. Using a BPM system based on this product the bank provides the automated support of a number of performance management processes: financial consolidation, management accounting, cost management, preparation of tax statements and reporting for the Bank of Russia. On the basis of the data accumulated in a BPM system more than 100 managerial reports which the staff of many divisions of bank uses are issued.

After increase in 2009 of the needs for the intra bank reporting, the number of her consumers also increased. The IT department developed a method of decrease in the labor costs necessary for automation of new reports on requests of business users. It was possible to achieve it expansion of structure of tools as a part of a BPM system. It was as a result decided to fill up structure such a component with the analytical Oracle BI platform.

Project Tasks

The purpose of implementation of Oracle BI – to construct the system of the corporate reporting of bank on the modern IT platform, to give to users from different divisions of bank an opportunity independently to configure new report forms, to top managers – to receive reports of presentation quality. Using Intersoft Lab consultations, IT specialists of bank constructed the solution model with a test set of managerial reports. Delivery of the licenses Oracle BI was executed by Intersoft Lab company. The first report forms are available to users to viewing using Oracle BI.

The packet from more than 100 managerial reports complemented with new tools will intensively extend by forces of users. Employees of the bank can configure new report forms with the minimum support of IT department, analyze reporting indicators in the online mode. Oracle BI simplifies work of end users with the reporting at the expense of opportunities of the web interface and visualization.

"Use of Oracle BI promises us transition to the new presentation layer of the reporting, actually qualities of the reporting and support of acceptance of management decisions. Analysts and top managers of bank receive more available instrument of work with the reporting in respect of independence of work with it. And for end users, and the fact that automation of new report forms will quicker happen due to joint work of IT specialists and analysts over creation of new reports and as a result over development of a system of the corporate reporting is significant for IT department of bank", – so estimated the first results of the Valeev Marat project – the deputy head of department of information systems of JSC JSB Evrofinance Mosnarbank.


Within the first two months of work with Oracle BI bank automated 35 reports for top managers and analysts at the minimum labor costs of IT department.

Using the new analytical platform in two months the bank automated release of 35 report forms available to the analysis in different cuts. At the same time labor costs of IT personnel were minimum, and advanced users independently set parameters of submission of reports and configure new.

Addition of a BPM system with the industrial analytical platform for record-breaking short terms led us to qualitatively new level of work with the management reporting. On the one hand, the bank still uses a uniform source of reliable data for the reporting – storage as a part of a BPM system. On the other hand, Oracle BI gave to end consumers of the reporting a set of new opportunities, the main thing from them — independent setup of new reports, Marat Valeev, the deputy head of department of information systems of JSC JSB EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK noted.