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Yenisei (DBMS)

Developers: Equiron
Date of the premiere of the system: April 2023
Branches: Information Technology
Technology: DBMS

2023: Product Announcement

In April 2023, the cloud version database management systems () DBMS of Yenisei was released, which was developed the Russian by the company. Equiron The product is available to all users for purchase and use on the Yandex Cloud Marketplace.

Yenisei is positioned as a high-performance distributed DBMS with multi-master replication support. The system is designed for use in high-load real-time systems and can store billions of documents, providing a wide range of tools for dealing with such amounts of data, Equiron said.

A cloud version of the Yenisei database management system (DMS) has been released

The term multi-master replication refers to a method of database replication that allows you to store them on a group of computers and update them with any team member. Thus, all process participants respond to client data requests. At the same time, the replication system is responsible for spreading the data changes made by each member to the rest of the group and resolving any conflicts that may arise between simultaneous changes made by different members.

The Yenisei DBMS can serve as a distributed communication infrastructure, a powerful and fault-tolerant file server or document storage with an integrated search index, and is also suitable for storing GEO data in accordance with the requirements of the RFC 7946 GeoJSON format.

In 2023, Yenisei is included in, register of Russian software Ministry of Digital Science which opens it up a wide scope for use in the public sector - state structures partly companies with state participation in the implementation of software purchases are obliged to focus on the said register.