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PNIPU: Educational mobile application for students

Developers: PNIPU Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Date of the premiere of the system: 2023/04/16
Branches: Education and Science

Main article: Mobile applications

2023: Creating an App

A teaching mobile application for students was created at the Perm Polytechnic. The university announced this on April 16, 2023.

There are many software products for testing students' knowledge. However, most of them have such a significant drawback as the ability of students to find the right answer by the "poke" method, as a result of which the teacher cannot fully appreciate the fixed knowledge. The developers of the Perm Polytechnic University have created a mobile application that allows you to quickly form, configure and conduct tests, gain prompt access to test results, and also helps teachers control the student's success in studying theoretical material.

In the application created by polytechnics, the teacher has the ability to create closed-type tasks with the choice of only one or several correct answers, as well as tasks for establishing the correct sequence. These types of tasks are convenient to use for the operational control of knowledge among process plant operators when training on computer simulators.

A feature of the algorithm underlying the development is the calculation of a set of parameters in order to automatically form an individual sequence of test tasks for each student and reduce the likelihood of passing the test by the "guessing" method. The application settings also provide for the teacher to set the values ​ ​ of the necessary parameters traditionally used in knowledge control systems, for example, the time for solving the test as a whole and a separate task, scores on different scales (for example, passed/failed, 5-point, 100-point).

The combination of the above parameters provides a feature of the mobile application under consideration, since its use in the educational process allows you to reduce the number of repetitions of the same tasks with consecutive attempts by a student to pass a certain test, to individually select the optimal number of tasks for the test for each student, "said one of the developers, associate professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Automated Systems Perm Polytechnic, Candidate of Technical Sciences Ivan Polevshchikov.

According to scientists, after testing the prototype of the mobile application, it will be used to train and retrain operators of transshipment machines and other technological installations in educational organizations and directly at enterprises. Nevertheless, the application can be easily adapted to other educational areas. Scientists of the Perm Polytechnic and the Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky take part in the development of this development .