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Hunter Biden is the president's son. USA Joe Biden


2001: Co-founder of lobbyist Oldaker, Biden & Belair

According to The New Yorker, Hunter Biden founded his lobbying firm in 2001 after graduating from Yale University. Oldaker, Biden & Belair specialized in "issues health care and telecommunications."


Hunter Biden's work as a lobbyist often overlapped with that of his father's Democratic Party. For example, in 2006, he promoted the interests of Strategic Allied Consulting, which was associated with the firm of longtime Biden ally Tom Donilon.

Also in 2006, Biden Jr.'s firm lobbied for a hospital in Delaware, where its maintenance was to be covered from the state budget. In the list of expenses, the son of the President of the United States tried to include a targeted contribution of $1.2 million as payment for his services. However, this approach did not find understanding among local lawmakers.

2008: Business start-up in Ukraine and China

Hunter was forced to abandon the lobbying business after his father left for the administration of President USABarak Obama in 2008. After that, the young lawyer had to urgently look for new sources of income.

Hunter's business partner was Devon Archer - a former fashion model who attended Yale and began his career at Citicorp in Asia. Under his influence, Biden Jr. went into business in Ukraine and China.

2013: Member of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Investment Fund BHR Partners

Hunter joined the board of directors of the Chinese investment fund BHR Partners in 2013 and acquired a 10% stake in it after the end of his father's term as vice president in early 2017. That purchase was widely discussed by Republicans on the 2020 campaign trail. Hunter sold his stake with a slight loss, after his father became president.


Devon Archer - Hunter Biden's business partner - found an opportunity to make money in Ukraine. He was introduced to oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, who owned the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

In relation to Zlochevsky, the British authorities were investigating with the official goal of establishing how legally he took possession of Ukrainian assets worth millions of dollars. In reality, the ex-Minister of Natural Resources of Ukraine, who lives in London, was simply asked to share the acquired property, the Rybar channel wrote.

In the process of bargaining, the United States canceled his visa, which was clearly a bad sign for Zlochevsky. Under these conditions, the oligarch needed a person entering the highest American circles, who Hunter Biden became: for a reward of $600,000 a year, he took up the solution of the issue.

The son of the current US president agreed to take a seat on the board of directors of Burisma even though his father at that time oversaw US policy in Ukraine.

The piquancy of the situation was added by the fact that it was Joe Biden who officially advocated the fight against corruption in the country and promoted an investigation into the group of oligarchs, which included Zlochevsky.

However, in the process, Devon Archer was convicted of fraud, so Biden Jr. switched to finding new sources of income in China.

2017: Unsuccessful attempt to facilitate contracts for the supply of LNG from the United States to China

Hunter Biden met in person with the owner of major Chinese oil and gas holding CEFC, Ye Jiangming, in Miami in February 2017, weeks after his father stepped down as vice president.

Ye sent a large diamond to Hunter's hotel room as a gift. Soon, the Chinese company transferred more than $5 million to create a joint venture called Hudson West.

The goal was to obtain contracts for the supply of liquefied natural gas from the United States to China for CEFC, with a share of 10% supposed to be reserved personally to Joe Biden. But the business did not receive development due to the arrest of Ye Jiangming in China.

2018: JV with Chinese partner Gongwen Dong

In April 2023 American , the Chinese Cathay Bank provided US Senate Republicans with evidence that millions dollars came from Chinese companies to the son of the US President [[Joe Biden)] and Hunter Biden and brother James Biden. Bydy documents requested by Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa. Everyone else the Americanbanks refused the request to provide financial documents.

The published statements indicate deep financial ties between the son and brother of the US president and the already defunct CEFC China Energy. Hunter Biden and his Chinese partner Gongwen Dong created a joint venture Hudson West III: it received $1 million from CEFC China Energy, owned by Ye Jianming.

Another Chinese energy company associated with CEFC China Energy - Northern International Capital Holdings - transferred $5 million to the account of Hudson West III. Further, funds in the amount of $4.8 million were sent to Hunter Biden Owasco P.C. and Owasco LLC, as well as Lion Hall Group brother of US President James Biden.

Owasco P.C. then transferred $1.4 million to the Lion Hall Group. After that, Hudson West III paid Hunter Biden a fee of $500 thousand at once and $100 thousand monthly. At the same time, James Biden was paid $65 thousand a month.

Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong opened a credit line for $99,000: Hunter, James Biden and his wife Sarah used it. Bank credit cards were used to make purchases at airlines, stores, and Apple hotels restaurants.

The transactions were made from August 2017 to October 2018 after Joe Biden left the post of vice president in the administration of US President Barack Obama. However, Republicans believe that such deals could significantly soften the US president's position on China. Joe Biden himself denies any involvement or awareness of his family's business connections.

2021: Borrowing $2 million from writer Kevin Morris and paying back taxes

After the failure in China, Hunter lost his source of income and business partners, and also became a defendant in a tax evasion case worth more than $2 million. The situation has become anything but optimistic amid the fact that his addictions to cocaine, crack, alcohol and prostitutes have become public.

True, in October 2021, Hunter Biden borrowed $2 million from the famous writer and lawyer Kevin Morris and paid the entire amount of the debt. This allowed at least to get rid of accusations of tax evasion.

2022: Evidence of tax crimes and false testimony in connection with gun purchases

By October 2022, federal agents had collected enough evidence to charge the son of American leader Hunter Biden with tax crimes and false testimony in connection with the acquisition of weapons, the Washington Post reported, citing sources.

2023: Court denies deal that won't pursue Hunter Biden further

A plea agreement that required President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, to plead guilty to tax violations was not accepted in federal court on July 26, 2023.

The agreement fell apart after the parties disagreed on the provision of the deal, according to which the government will not pursue Hunter Biden further. Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned whether the deal did not involve criminal prosecution and asked the parties to discuss differences; a new trial date is expected to be set.