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2023/05/03 13:58:09

Internet from Russia

2023: Support of the project by the President of the Russian Federation

At the end of April 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the development of the Russian analogue of TCP/IP - the basic protocol of the modern Internet. This is a network model that describes how information is transferred from source to destination.

According to CNews, a domestic alternative to TCP/IP is being developed as part of the Internet from Russia project, as announced by Alexander Selyutin, chairman of the board of directors of Technojet Group of Companies. The technical details of the initiative and the degree of readiness were not disclosed. But it is argued that in its current form, the Russian protocol works more efficiently than TCP/IP, which was created on the basis of NCP (Network Control Protocol) by a group of developers led by Vinton Cerf in 1972.

Vladimir Putin
If the delay or loss of packets in TCP occurs in the amount of one percent, then TCP restores these packets within 360 seconds. We restore - 5.7 seconds, - CNews quotes Selyutin as saying.

It is said that the idea of ​ ​ promoting the Russian analogue of TCP/IP was considered during the discussion of the peculiarities of the development of Russian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The Technojet website states that this project "is based on its own solution of the RUSTP information exchange protocol stack and includes electronic services, including for planning and flight management, as well as an electronic trading platform that will connect all market participants and make services provided using UAVs more transparent and accessible." It is assumed, in particular, that the protocol will be used in the drone control system. The corresponding modem is already being developed.

Realizing that Russia is dependent on foreign technological information and telecommunication solutions, ten years ago, on an initiative basis, we began to develop our own stack of technologies that will create an independent Russian information and communication space, "Selyutin said.[1]
