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2023/05/11 16:41:49

1C has become a major player in the tourism market. Key assets - in TAdviser infographic

1C entered the tourism market in 2018 by buying control packages in the Smartway startup, the developer of an IT platform for organizing business trips, as well as in the small Sawady tour operator specializing in travel in Russia. By 2023, the tourism business has grown noticeably, both due to the dynamic development of first-born assets and thanks to new acquisitions. In 2022, their total revenue amounted to almost 2.5 billion rubles.

Assets and performance indicators

As of May 2023, the tourism business "1C" is developing in two main directions - this is an IT platform for organizing business trips Smartway and hotel booking services combined under a tour operator. Sawady

The first company is led by its founder Maxim Yaremko, the second by his wife Elena Yaremko. "1C" in both companies owns control - 51% each.

Sawady's main business is organizing tours in Russia. As a result of several transactions 2022-2023. this company became the owner of the Russian A&A hotel booking system (including the service for individuals, hotel booking platforms, air and railway tickets for travel agencies, as well as Travelmart business tourism agencies.

Another tour operator, the Alpaca company, owns 20% of 1C. It is planned to join one of the group's companies, Mikael Sahakyants, marketing director of Smartway, told TAdviser.

"Previously, Alpaca was a tour operator specializing in hotels in resort regions for corporate clients. But we do not see the point in developing this branch as a separate business, so in the near future we will join it to one of our legal entities, "Sahakyants explained.

In 2022, the total revenue of all listed companies amounted to 2.47 billion rubles. According to the results of the previous year, the 1C tourist business brought 938 million, and in 2020 - 300 million rubles of revenue.

All 1C assets in the field of tourism are given in the infographic (click to increase).


Explaining the entry of "1C" into the segment of tourist services and the purchase of the first asset - Smartway - the director of the company Boris Nuraliev said:

Booking tickets, hotels, and issuing related documents are part of the business processes of many companies. We consider the integration of Smartway with products on the 1C: Enterprise platform promising - this will allow us to offer 1C users a comprehensive business trip processing service

Travel assets 1C

Company Field of activity When 1C became a co-owner Share 1C Other co-owners Revenue 2022, million rubles Dynamics 2022
SMARTWAY LLC]Online travel service smartway.today201851%Maxim Olegovich Yaremko, 44.1
% Alexander Vladimirovich Kolyaskin, 4.9%
SAVADI LLCTourist Operator for Russia sawady.ru201851%Yaremko Elena Sergeevna, 49%38416216%
ООО "Эй энд Эй" Booking services Zabroniryi.ru202251% (via SAVADI LLC)Yaremko Elena Sergeevna, 49%
ООО "Эй энд Эй" Business Tourism aanda.ru202251% (through SAVADI LLC)Yaremko Elena Sergeevna, 49%
(through SAVADI LLC)
ООО "Система бронирования" booking platform202251% (via SAVADI LLC)Yaremko Elena Sergeevna, 49%
ООО "СТАР ТРЭВЕЛ" Business Tourism Agency202351% (via SAVADI LLC)49% Yaremko Elena Sergeevna
ALPAKA LLCTourist Operator for Russia alpaka-travel.ru202020%Kolyaskin Alexander Vladimirovich, 40%
Yaremko Elena Sergeevna, 40%
TAdviser source

According to TAdviser, Smartway Marketing Director Mikael Sahakyants, the group of companies will continue to develop due to new transactions.