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VK Cloud Conf - We Paved the Way to IT for Your Business Success (June 8, 2023, 12:00)

16.05.23, 18:25, Msk

The Russian IT market has changed a lot. Today, every large Russian company that seeks growth is forced to develop its own development, create its own digital solutions. For many, this is a new direction, thorny and incomprehensible, on the way to which you will have to break many copies and cope with many challenges.

At the same time, most issues of modern development - tools, resources, processes - are common for different industries. At VK Cloud Conf, leading experts from VK and the largest Russian companies will share their experience and practical examples of organizing development processes, working with data and ensuring information security in the cloud.

Learn how and what tools and approaches to reduce time to market, reduce cost, and improve testing efficiency. We will talk about integrating the product approach at all stages of the software lifecycle and quickly implementing DevSecOps processes. We will discuss the toolkit and architecture of modern analytical systems - from data collection and structuring to visualization and development of machine learning models.

What will happen on VK Cloud Conf

  • We accelerate and increase the efficiency of developing new IT solutions using cloud services.
  • We choose a balanced cloud model taking into account the tasks and growing security requirements.

We consider modern approaches to working with data: practical examples of the implementation of large-scale data solutions, features and results of projects.

  • Together with the developers DBMS , we will discuss trends and examples of migration to Russian databases.
  • Discuss best practices and approaches to cloud security in the face of growing threats and data privacy requirements.

We meet to talk openly about your challenges, share experiences and seek new growth opportunities together.

The conference is a great opportunity to learn more about proven cloud technologies, exchange views with colleagues and find answers to current questions.

Who will be interested

Company executives, Chief information officers, CTOs, digital transformation managers, information security professionals, DevOps professionals, IT engineers, developers, Data Scientist, system administrators, and anyone interested in the cloud approach.
