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2023/05/17 20:52:35

Medical services in the Moscow region


Medical services in Russia

Main article: Medical services in Russia

Healthcare in the Moscow region

Main article: Health care in the Moscow region



The expenses of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region for medical services at home for the year reached 16 billion rubles.  Market leaders

The expenses of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region for medical services at home in 2022 reached 16 billion rubles. Such data in June 2023 were provided by the Rusopros analytical agency. Read more here.

Growth by 3.2% to 51.9 billion rubles

The volume of the paid medical services market in the Moscow region in 2022 reached 51.9 billion rubles, an increase of 3.2% compared to the previous year. The growth of expenses of residents of the region on commercial health care remained, but the dynamics significantly weakened - in 2021 the market increased by 53.4%. This is evidenced by the data of BusinesStat analysts, which were released in May 2023.

According to the researchers, the reduction in the volume of medical services paid through the cash desks of clinics in the Moscow region by the end of 2022 was primarily a natural response to a decrease in epidemic tension for the coronavirus COVID-19. In 2021, patients were actively interested in the services of laboratory diagnostics, radiation therapy, resuscitation services, and calling specialists at home. As the pandemic fades, the demand for these services has decreased. State hospitals returned to work normally, which also affected the popularity of paid medical care. In addition, in the context of the economic crisis in 2022, patients with low solvency began to be treated mainly according to compulsory medical insurance policies, the study noted.

The market for paid medical services in the Moscow region continues to grow

Analysts add that the market for commercial medicine has an inflationary development model. Due to the rise in prices, the revenue of medicine is growing at a faster pace in relation to the number of appointments. The annual increase in the cost of medical services is associated with an increase in the costs of clinics for medicines, equipment, consumables, rent, utility bills, logistics. For 2018-2022 paid medical appointments in the Moscow region have risen in price by 50%. Due to rising prices, money turnover in the sector of legal private medicine of the Moscow Region increased even in 2022 (+ 3%), when the number of appointments decreased (-6[1].
