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Renaissance Bank organizes remote access to its infrastructure using the SKDPU NT complex

Customers: Renaissance Credit

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Contractors: ATI Bastion
Product: iT Bastion: CDS NT IT Service Provider Action Control System

Project date: 2022/10  - 2023/05

2023: Implementation of NP Access Gateway CDS

The comprehensive solution of iT Bastion was chosen by Renaissance Bank to protect its infrastructure when organizing remote access for users. ATI Bastion announced this on June 5, 2023.

Both internal users and external contractors are remotely connected to the infrastructure of the organization through "SCMCS NT Access Gateway," thereby unifying and creating an additional remote access security perimeter.

At the same time, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of determining undesirable actions, the "SCDPU NT Monitoring and Analytics" solution is used, which collects information about sessions and provides reports to responsible services. The system is capable of collecting, saving and advanced analytics in the context of "user-target system" and providing detailed information on user activity with the ability to full-text search for all system events.

The CDS NT complex in Renaissance bank is implemented virtual in the infrastructure with minimal changes in its configuration. As a source of information about users, it is used integration with a domain structure, and as an additional protection against compromise of accounts, the functionality is used two-factor authentication using the RADIUS protocol.

The project at Renaissance Bank is significant for us, since this is one of the few examples of import substitution in a credit institution, and in the shortest possible time. In addition, this project is implemented in a convenient subscription format. It is gratifying to see that the bank responsibly approaches the data of its clients and the integrity of its infrastructure, "said Sergey Bochkarev, General Director of ATI Bastion LLC.

The implementation of the NT CDS allowed us to quickly solve the problems associated with import substitution of information protection tools, as well as to modernize the process of granting access to IT system administrators using the most advanced technologies in this area. The Bank considers this system as a basic element of convenient and safe access and will continue its development, including integration with other systems for additional effect, "said Dmitry Sturov, Executive Director, Head of Information Security at Renaissance Bank.