2023: The Ministry of Digital Industry of the Russian Federation creates a unified code of laws for IT and communications
On June 1, 2023, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Industry is resuming the development of the so-called Infocommunication Code (Infocodex), which will become a backbone legislative act in the field of communications and the legal basis for interaction between IT market participants.
According to Forbes, information about the project is contained in the "Strategy for the Development of the Communications Industry in the Russian Federation until 2035." The need to introduce Infocodex, the creation of which was suspended in 2018, is due to the rapid development of the IT sector and the ongoing digital transformation of enterprises. Against the background of an increase in Internet penetration, the massive introduction of data transfer services and the development of online information services, control by supervisory authorities is strengthening. But the difficulties are that the sphere of communication and IT is regulated by disparate acts, such as the laws "On Information," "On the Media," "On Personal Data," "On Natural Monopolies," "On the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure," etc.
To solve problems, it is proposed to modernize legislation in the field of communications - to adapt it to the current market situation, as well as formulate and consolidate new norms and requirements. This requires a "uniform conceptual apparatus." In addition, the authors of the document consider it necessary "to eliminate gaps, conflicts, repetitions and administrative barriers." Industry participants consider the idea of developing Infocodex correct, but difficult to implement.
To carry out such work, you need huge resources, a constantly controlled order of the first persons, tremendous efforts in the organizational part and regulatory. Until this happens, there will be no code, there will be the same confusing regulation as now, - said Irina Levova, director of strategic projects at the Institute for Internet Research.[1] |