Customers: Dostaevsky (Kitchen Factory) Contractors: Nord Clan Product: IT outsourcing projectsProject date: 2021/01 - 2021/07
2021: Development of a billing module for the Dostaevsky delivery service
Development of a billing module for a food delivery service with a large amount of traffic.
Implemented functionality:
- management of clients (individuals and legal entities);
- Managing customer accounts
- registration of financial transactions: payments and debits;
- Flexible system for linking financial transactions to services (there is no strict dependence on the specific type of services/goods)
- keeping the current balance of the personal account and the full history of its changes;
- Manage the linking of one customer's personal account to another's personal account (subaccount support) with write-off limits set up
- management of the credit limit and credit period;
- blocking debits from a personal account when the limits are exceeded: credit limit or write-off limit, as well as when the credit limit expires;
- Standard and unformalized reporting
- management of the company's brands (own legal entities), the ability to link write-offs to brands.
When developing billing, great attention is paid to the architecture of the module in order to painlessly cope with the growing load of new customer orders, as well as flexibly distribute payment transactions between many related legal entities and accounts.
Solution Architecture Features
Logically, the architecture has two levels. On the first, the basic functionality inherent in any billing is provided - these are counterparties, accounts, transactions and reporting.
The second level ensures the operation of business processes characteristic of the foodtech sphere: the sale and delivery of food, pre-order of dishes, the use of bonuses and discounts for ordering, etc.
To cope with the load, the architectural approach of CQRS is used to separate read operations and change billing states. As a result, the payment of the order from the customer was simplified and accelerated even with high loads of incoming traffic. The financial service of the company received transparent reports on the operation of the enterprise. Technology stack:.NET Core 3, Enitity framework Core 3, PostgreSQL, CQRS, Docker.