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Red Soft and FSSP of Russia have developed a system for automatic issuance of decisions

Customers: UFSSP of Russia in the Ryazan region

Ryazan; State and social structures

Contractors: Red Soft
Product: Red Platform
Second product: Ed. Database

Project date: 2022/10  - 2023/05

2023: Revision of the AIS FSSP of Russia

On June 9, 2023, RED SOFT announced the revision of software for the automated information system of the FSSP of Russia (AIS FSSP of Russia).

Now electronic legally significant procedural documents signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the FSSP of Russia can be automatically issued in those cases where unconditional adoption of such decisions is possible. The project was implemented in accordance with Federal Law No. 21.12.2021 of 417-FZ, which allows the use of an automatic mode for decision-making and information exchange in electronic form.

The technology is based on the Russian software complex RED SOFT - Red Platform and DBMS Database, which allows you to determine violations and make decisions without the participation of bailiffs. This will significantly speed up the process of issuing decisions and reduce the burden on employees of the FSSP of Russia.

The pilot project was launched on the basis of the bailiff department of the UFSSP of Russia in the Ryazan region: for the first time in the region, enforcement proceedings were initiated automatically without the participation of an official of the service.

In the future, on the basis of the pilot branch of bailiffs, work will be carried out to issue without the participation of officials procedural documents on the completion, termination and suspension of enforcement proceedings, on the collection of the performance fee and the abolition of the restrictions established by the debtors. The provision of procedural documents in automatic mode is an example of the successful use of modern technologies in state structures. The practical implementation of the law will allow the FSSP of Russia to optimize and speed up processes within the framework of the enforcement of court decisions and acts of authorized bodies.