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Mosquito (autoinjector)

Developers: Mosquito
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Product Announcement

In mid-June 2023, the Komarik company presented the same name personal automated device for independent execution of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections outside hospitals and clinics. The product was the result of more than three years of research and design work.

Automated device "Komarik"

According to the developers, using the Komarik device does not require special skills and knowledge from users - a short instruction is enough to understand how to use it, and the injection itself is performed by pressing one button. When you press it, "Komarik" will "bite" unnoticed, the needle will not even be noticeable behind the device panel. The electric motor in the device varies the puncture rate, and the limiter allows you to change the depth, since subcutaneous and intramuscular injections require different values. Each procedure takes place equally qualitatively and taking into account individual settings. The skin touch sensor, light and sound indication make the procedure safe and informative, the manufacturer claims.

For adults and children who suffer from trypanophobia, that is, they are afraid of injections, this engineering solution is a salvation. The futuristic appearance of the article in the form of a case and the needle insertion invisible to the eye eliminates unpleasant psychological and physiological effects.

Komarik Digital Syringe

As noted in the company, in Russia alone, several million people a year independently perform injections. The new development automates and personalizes this process. In addition, it is mobile, which makes it even more convenient to use.

Focusing on the incoming requests of the first users of the autoinjector, a mobile application is already being developed, in which an injection calendar will be available with a reminder of the next one. The team also plans to support telemedicine functions: the attending physician will be able to track and advise the patient performing the Komarik injection, "said Elena Fadeeva, project manager of the Skolkovo Foundation's biomedical technology cluster (the startup is a resident of this innocenter).

According to NITU MISIS, by the end of July 2023, the "smart" syringe was able to transmit information about injections to a smartphone via a USB input or Bluetooth receiver, where data is processed using special software. For patients who need medical supervision, but do not have the opportunity to regularly visit doctors in person, this opens up wide possibilities for monitoring the condition. Also, the device saves money, since you do not need to invite a medical officer every time.

"In accordance with the wishes of specialists, we have provided the device with audible signals that report the completion of the procedure. Moved the start button to a more convenient place. We finalized the instructions. The device has several protection systems. A sensor is installed in the front, which protects against accidental operation. A limiter is installed inside, which makes sure that the same syringe is not used twice, "explained one of the inventors, head of the engineering department of technological equipment at NITU MISIS and co-founder of the Karfidov Lab design bureau Alexei Karfidov.

An apparatus called Komarik successfully passed pilot testing on the basis of the Kommunarka Multidisciplinary Clinical Center of the Moscow Department of Health and, as of July 24, 2023, with grant support from the Skolkovo Foundation, has already entered the market. There are no foreign analogues to this device yet, the MISIS emphasized.

The device also received a registration certificate from the Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare of the Russian Federation and can be used for medical purposes in Russia. The production of devices and components for it is Russian. In particular, the electronics of the apparatus were largely developed by students of the Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Technology NUST MISIS.

The project has already become interested in other countries. Komarik was accelerated under the Moscow Export Center program, under which it analyzed the Indian market and held talks with opinion leaders in the country, from whom it received positive feedback.[1]
