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IT Start-Up Exchange: New Opportunities for IT Projects

22.06.23, 14:51, Msk

From June 16 to August 16, a selection is held among the contestants of the IT Startup Exchange. To take part, you only need to fill out an application. The winner will receive 1 million rubles for the implementation of the project .

The company "Gazinformservice" and "Business Petersburg" organized a competition "Exchange of IT startups" for those who need investments in the development of the project, as well as increasing the recognition of their brand, effective networking and useful contacts.

The IT Startup Exchange has already become the key to rapid development for dozens of teams in 2022. The project brings together leading industry experts, investors and businesses interested in integrating innovative solutions. And, of course, the winner will be awarded the main prize - 1,000,000 rubles.

Those who receive it, and another four project leaders, Gazinformservice, one of the integrators and vendors in the field of information security, will present at the Global Information Security Days 2023 (GIS Days 2023) event - which will be held from October 4 to 6. Here, leading industry experts, representatives of the authorities and commercial structures will talk about information security. And the five finalists of the IT Startup Exchange project will have a chance to tell the business community about their projects.

The goal of the organizers is to find and support the introduction of innovative and technological projects in this area - and as a result, the development of the IT industry in Russia. This strategy has already received proof of its effectiveness.