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MTT has developed a voice robot on the VoiceBox platform for the real estate agency Big City

Customers: Big City

Moscow; Real estate

Product: MTT VoiceBox

Project date: 2022/10  - 2023/05

2023: Voice Robot Development

On June 20, 2023, MTT announced the development of a voice robot on the VoiceBox platform for one of the Big City real estate agencies, which operates in the primary housing market in Moscow and offers new business class buildings.

The digital assistant from MTT allowed the agency to automate communication with potential apartment buyers and reduce the cost of reactivating the client base by more than 10 times. In addition, the voice robot increased conversion, increased the number of repeated calls and reduced their cost.

Attracting one potential customer using a voice robot costs the company 15 times less.

The voice robot calls the agency's clients in Moscow, voices the proposals with the voice of the agency's director, conducts a dialogue as naturally as possible, recognizes the replicas of subscribers, logically processes them and generates a report in the personal account based on the answers. If a person shows interest in buying real estate, the manager calls him back.

In real estate, where attracting a client to buy is very expensive, the use of a voice robot is especially important. VoiceBox is a digital employee who not only simplifies and speeds up the process of communication with the client, but also significantly reduces the cost of attracting customers, "commented Ilya Parakhnevich, Product Director of MTT VoiceBox.

The voice robot can make 300 calls per minute, works 24/7 and achieves higher results compared to call center operators. The implementation of this solution allowed us to reduce customer communication costs by more than ten times, - commented Roman Polyakov, General Director of Big City Agency.