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HPC Park Cloud Service

Developers: HPC Park
Date of the premiere of the system: 2023/07/05
Technology: Cloud Computing,  IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service

Main article: What is IaaS

2023: Service Launch

On July 5, 2023, 3Data, the developer of the RCloud by 3data cloud platform, together with HPC Park launched a GPU service to accelerate complex computing in the cloud. With this service, customers of the cloud aggregator will be able to optimize the processing of large amounts of data.

According to the company, HPC Park Cloud Service is a Docker container-based platform that can solve complex problems in the field of high-performance computing (HPC), machine learning ( ML/DL) and artificial intelligence (AI). Containers presented server accelerators Nvidia Tesla A100. The hardware platform is located in the Moscow data center with duplicated communication channels and backup power supply. Read more here.