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Ascona integrates ERP Galactica system with 1C UPP and 1C ERP via RabbitMQ data bus

Customers: Askona

Carpets; Consumer goods

Contractors: 42 Solution
Product: 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0

Project date: 2022/11  - 2023/06

2023: Integration of ERP "Galactica" with "1C UPP" and "1C ERP" via RabbitMQ data bus

In the Group of Companies Ascona"" system integration ERP completed the "Galaxy" 1C UPP 1C ERP with and through the tire, data RabbitMQ to accelerate the interaction between logistic outsourcing and production companies in real time. This was announced on July 7, 2023 by the company. 42 Solution (42 Solution)

As a result, according to the general director of the 42Solution, Sergei Rozhdestvensky, the number of operator errors during document management between the companies involved in the project has noticeably decreased, and real-time control of warehouse orders, balances, reserves and shipment by production companies has increased without the cost of their own specialists.