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2023: Sentence - 7 years in prison for embezzlement of 83.2 million rubles of budget funds

On July 7, 2023, the Novgorod District Court convicted in a criminal case against the former heads of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Novgorod Region. The defendants are charged with embezzlement of budget funds in the amount of 83.2 million rubles.

Victoria Orlova, the ex-head of the named federal state institution and her husband, Igor Orlov, appear in the case. In addition, charges were brought against businessman Victor Panov.

Novgorod District Court Building

It was established that in the period from 2010 to 2013, the named persons implemented a fraudulent scheme. Accomplices, aware of the unsuitability for operation and non-compliance of real estate objects with the requirements, prepared fictitious technical documentation for the possibility of participating in an auction for their purchase. According to the results of the auction, knowing the results in advance, the fraudsters concluded and paid for the purchase of these real estate objects. Part of the stolen budget funds was legalized: this is approximately 26 million rubles.

The court, taking into account the requirements of the state prosecutor, sentenced Orlova to 7 years in prison in a general regime colony with a fine of 900 thousand rubles and restriction of liberty for a term of 1.5 years. Her husband received 6 years in prison in a general regime colony, fined the same amount with a similar restriction of freedom. The third participant in the scheme, the court appointed 4 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony, a fine of 600 thousand rubles and restriction of freedom for a period of 1.5 years.

Victoria and Igor Orlov did not admit guilt in the commission of crimes, while Victor Panov fully admitted guilt. As of July 11, 2023, the verdict did not enter into legal force. The case also includes the fourth person involved - businessman Vladimir Chyornyi - in relation to him, the proceedings were separated into a separate proceeding in connection with his search.[1]
