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CA Open Space

Developers: CA Technologies
Technology: ITSM - Management systems for IT service,  SaaS is the Software as service

Social tools get into different business applications more and more. First of all this trend concerned corporate portals, Email, the systems of joint work. Recently CRM and support systems of clients are equipped with tools for social interaction too (for example GetSatisfaction or Salesforce Chatter). Why IT Service Desk to systems not to be social too? — thought in CA company (this is one of market leaders of management systems of IT for infrastructure). Yesterday CA released SaaS service for creation of social network of IT department of CA Open Space. CA[1]

As a rule, in the big companies — difficult IT infrastructure, so — big IT departments. And such departments often turn into independent islands which cost NAD business of the company. They are not interested in business objectives of the company and all these lamers who I work at office. For them the main thing — that infrastructure ran IT smoothly. And as to improve it that employees could solve better the problems is not their case.

Social Service Desk Open Space is urged to destroy a wall between IT department and other company and to construct social communications between IT specialists and office employees. She reminds GetSatisfaction service — that that it seems the intranet forum on which it is possible to post questions, problems and the ideas. It is also possible to create communities (both in IT department, and with participation of other employees) in which it is possible to solve problems or to discuss the ideas. Thanks to the fact that each participant has a profile — people learn about each other more and easier communicate.

Obvious advantage which such service — decrease in load of IT department gives. Employees can find answers to the questions on service and not disturb IT specialists. Besides, on Open Space employees can help to solve problems each other.

Together with Open Space, CA submitted to SaaS the version of the main system of support of IT-polzovateley CA Service Desk Manager On Demand which is completely meeting the requirements of ITIL v3 library.
