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Баннер в шапке 2



2023: Arrest on charges of making 25 million fake rubles

The employees FSB MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS detained Belgorod region a local resident who was trying to sell a large batch in the fake money region. This was announced on July 27, 2023 by the press service of the Belgorod District Court.

According to the investigation, in February 2023, Belgorod, having previously studied information about the manufacture of counterfeit bills, purchased and installed special equipment at home. The man printed at least 173 fake banknotes with a face value of 5,000 rubles for a total amount of 865,000 rubles. On May 16, the defendant moved the money to Belgorod and sold it.

In the Belgorod region, a suspect in the manufacture of 25 million fake rubles was detained

Between the end of May and July 2023, the man made even more fakes worth 25mn rubles. Then, in order to sell, he took 5,000 banknotes forged by him with a face value of 5,000 rubles each and carried out their illegal transportation, after which the indicated banknotes were sold to a person who participated in an operational-search event for a monetary reward. A resident of the region was detained by law enforcement agencies.

Since the court hearing established grounds for believing that the accused could hide from the preliminary investigation and trial, continue to engage in criminal activities and destroy evidence, as well as otherwise obstruct the proceedings in a criminal case, The Belgorod District Court of the Belgorod Region granted the petition of the head of the investigation team, the accused was chosen a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of 2 months, the press service of the court said.

The name of the defendant, who faces 12 years in prison, was not disclosed in court. According to sources of Kommersant in law enforcement agencies, we are talking about a 37-year-old resident of Belgorod Andrei Fokin. According to the newspaper, he was detained on the morning of July 25, 2023 on Pridorozhnaya Street in the village of Nizhny Olshanets.[1]
