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PizzaFactory (SteadyControl Human Resources Management System)

Customers: PizzaFactory

Tula; Tourism, Hospitality and Restaurant Business

Product: SteadyControl Human Resources Control and Management System

Project date: 2021/10

2023: SteadyControl system at PizzaFactory

The human resources control and management system SteadyControl has become another link in the business automation chain in PizzaFactory"." With its help restaurants franchisee , Igor Sitnikov achieved 98% efficiency of employees, 13 times increased sales additional ingredients, 2 times optimized the resources of the management team and increased the average check by 26%.

The system covers all processes in the front office area and each point of contact with the guest. For collection information , audio pages and standard ones are used, video cameras carried out integration with cash and. ON And CRM then on the technology basis artificial intelligence of reveals violations.

The data obtained is automatically generated into daily reports for each waiter, cashier or bartender. The manager receives a ready-made performance analyst for further decisions. Over the year of joint work, compliance with the basic standards of the PizzaFabrika brand has grown to 99%: we managed to bring the appearance of employees and service rules to an ideal.

{{quote 'author = noted Olga Novikova, manager of PizzaFactory in Tula.|The system eliminated the need to be constantly present in the hall, and the time spent on operational control became 2 times less. Igor Sitnikov's team is distinguished by extremely high requirements for the work of employees. To ensure their compliance, the PizzaFactory team developed a motivation system based on the performance indicators of employees in the system. This approach to HR has led to an increase in the efficiency of both line staff and managers. As of July 2023, the average compliance with the standards in the restaurant is 98%,}}

Control of each business process made it possible not only to eliminate basic violations, but also to build a stable customer-oriented service. In 97% of cases, employees began to comply with the rules for greeting guests, in 100% - to show goodwill. SteadyControl allows you to control subtle processes and the subtle service that distinguishes the brand: smiling, wishing for a good day and a pleasant appetite, offering a children's chair and menu for the youngest visitors.

Waiters have learned to take feedback. In 76% of cases, they clarify whether the guest is satisfied with the quality of dishes and service. And if a controversial situation arises, they use specific rules of non-conflict communication, which allows you to resolve the problem on the spot and avoid negative reviews on the Internet.

One of the most important results of working with the SteadyControl system is the growth of sales at the initiative of waiters. At the start, only 12% of guests received an additional position offer. Already at the beginning of February 2023, the figure rose to 92%: waiters began to offer each guest to repeat the drink or try dessert after the main menu.

A significant achievement of the team was the high adherence to the key process: offering specific positions. The system helped not only increase the initiative of waiters, but also analyze client behavior using a conversion tool. It reveals daily how often visitors agree to offer a dish, and which scripts lead to a sale. So, it turned out that 69% of guests willingly trust the choice of the waiter. Over the year of working with the SteadyControl system, a powerful jump occurred in the modifier sales block. Competent work with scripts and high efficiency of PizzaFactory employees make it possible to sell 13 times more additional ingredients every month: in particular, sales of pizza modifiers increased 6 times.