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2023/08/10 10:12:59

Nim (programming language)

2023: A new Nim programming language has been released, compiling C++ and JavaScript code

On August 1, 2023, the Nim 2.0 system programming language was released. Nim source code is compiled into C, C++, Objective-C, and JavaScript views.

Nim is a static typed programming language that supports procedural, object-oriented, functional and generalized programming styles. According to the developers, the platform combines the power of Lisp (List Processing language), the simplicity and clarity of Python and the high performance of C.

Nim 2.0 system programming language released
Nim is a programming language that is suitable for everything, but not for everyone. It focuses on the imperative programming paradigm and complements it with a macro system. Customizable memory management makes it well suited for a number of areas, such as hard-on-real-time systems, the developers note.

In the Nim language, as in Python, indents (the so-called mandatory indentation rule) are used as block separators, although in preprocessor filters blocks can be separated by keywords. The language is partially case-independent (only the case of the first letter in identifiers is considered). A rather unusual feature is that underscores in identifiers are ignored.

During the development of the language, it was found that the default Nim initialization rule is one of the main sources of errors. There is a new experimental strictDefs switch that protects against these errors.

One of the advantages of Nim is that it is relatively easy to master. The language contains many high-level types, from ordinary strings and arrays to sequences, sets, tuples, enumerations, and so on. Low-level system data may be unmanaged, but the main objects created in the heap are maintained by the garbage collector, freeing the programmer from most memory management problems.[1]
